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dean X reader

the is a song type one shot. the song is Helena by My Chemical Romance

~*~ means flashback and end of flash back

Warnings: dying and swearing 


Long ago,

Just like a hearse you'd die to get in again,

The lives of everyone you know.

Burning on,

Just like a match you strike to incinerate;

We are so far from you.


Dean picks up the phone with a smile on his face. Sam is having a mini-tantrum because Dean keeps ironing his shirts with beer, and it's somewhat amusing to hear his little brother storm downstairs.

He's holding back a laugh as he says, "Hello?"

"Is this Harvey Smith?"

Oh. Great. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"You're listed as Y/N Y/L/N's emergency contact we couldn't reach her parents. We need you to report to the hospital as soon as possible."

Dean swallows. "Yes, of course."


Falling in love with Dean Winchester was easy.

You knew it was an awful idea to hunt with Winchesters; they were God's chosen ones. They were warriors.

They were also like poison, seeping through the world around them and killing everything they came in contact with.

But hunting with them was fun. You smiled, you laughed, you teased each other. You watched movies with Sam and you both drew on Dean's face, laughed as you hid from him in the morning. You and Dean sang classic rock loudly in the car, much to Sam's dismay, until you got to a song that even the younger Winchester couldn't deny his love for. They were brothers, though, and you were careful not to step over that line, and not to intrude. You didn't take sides, and you loved them both.

But the way you loved Sam was not the way you loved Dean. You wouldn't say one was more profound. Sam was giggling and pranking people and doing idiotic things. He was your best friend, and you were each other's support. But Dean...was different. Dean made your pulse elevate, and your cheeks flush. Dean made your stomach turn.

There came a point in time in which the flirting, which was once playful, wasn't anymore.

The first kiss was accidental-too many emotions after a hard day, a fight, affection. You hadn't spoken for weeks. Sam had forced you into a room together-you became somewhat amiable.

The second kiss was intentional.

Falling for Dean was painful. You scraped your knees and bruised your bones when you hit the bottom, but it was all okay, because he greeted you there. It hurt like hell, but it was so, so easy.



"Dean, you have to-"

"No. I'm not meeting them."

Sam sighed. "You need to meet her family. The funeral is next-"

"I know exactly when the damn funeral is," Dean growls.

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