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      The day the man fell from the sky is the day the world broke. No one knows where he came from, no one knows how he fell or where from. Some thought it was all a host others thought it was a fallen angel. Christians believed that this was the end of the world and I guess they was right, but I don't think man falling from the heavens to rule the world was in the bible.

     I watched the video over and over again. It was in the city when everyone started screaming at the ball of fire that was speeding towards the street but the fire burned out to show a person falling. Still people was screaming not understanding what was going on. People started to back away quickly when they saw clearly where the person was landing. His body hit the top of the taxi car. The impact was so strong that the road had a dent and the car was smashed into. Everyone was completely silent no one dared to walk towards the strange person who came from no where. They stood there in complete silence until the man stood. Everyone screamed and ran some watch because they was curious, other was shocked to even move. The beautiful man stood there looking all around him as if he was wondering ow he got here. While I wonder how he's even alive. He started walking when the video had completely ended.

    From that day on the world was not the same. Billions was dead from either suicide or murder. The government, police, president, they was either dead or hiding. The man could rip a door from its hinges with a light tug. He could lift cars like it was a feather. He could knock down buildings with his voice. Everyone hid from this man who fell from the sky and lived. Everyone was scared of him, he started ruling the world while we bowed down to him like he was king.

     He wasn't a good one either he was a killer, he was ruthless, he was a god in a mans body. No one wanted to cross paths with him until one day, I did but he didn't kill me. He didn't want to kill me. He wanted to 'keep' me.

The King حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن