Chapter 9

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I woke up the next day and looked out the window. The usual foggy mornings. I hopped out of bed and got ready for the day I have ahead of me. I went downstairs and made myself some eggs and rushed to eat them.

Once I finished eating I went outside and began walking. I'm supposed to meet up with the boys this afternoon, it's only eight right now so I still had time. I decided I would go to the plaza and see what happens there.

Once I arrived at the plaza I headed straight to the music store. I had to buy myself a microphone for my room. I walked in the store and right away a worker came up to me, "hey, you're the one that sang at the party." My cheeks turned total red and I quietly responded, "umm yea." I started walking towards the microphones and I quietly hear," well you're amazing". I quickly said thank you and picked out what I needed and left.

This day was going to be an adventure



Sorry it was so short. I have writers block :(

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