Dance with a Demon

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This is the Hunt - by Ruelle
Play the song now!

So, Isabelle, Alec, and I went to a dance, glamoured, at a school in a simple town in Georgia. We were told that two Shadowhunters were living in the place, but who they were, we weren't actually sure.

Alec observed the crowd from above, Izzy stood near the DJ booth, and I had a look around the crowd. The crowd seemed to be made up of mostly mundanes, but some faeries could easily be spotted throughout the place. All teenagers. No Shadowhunters or demons. Where are the people we're looking for? As I thought that, I saw a girl in a black dress, a red and black scarf around her neck. She seemed to be texting someone on her cell phone and not paying much attention. She looked tense, like she knew something was coming. Or someone.

I made my way toward her. She arched an eyebrow and said, "If you're trying to sneak up on me, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that." "I wouldn't expect that to be you're first guess," I replied. She looked up from her phone and looked straight at me. She can see beyond the glamour. That's just great. "You look familiar. Have I met you before?" She asked. "I don't know. What's your name?" "(Y/N). And yours?" "Jace."

"Hm. . .take off your jacket," she said. "What? Why?" "There's something different about you, Jace. And I'm gonna find it." She wasn't going to budge on this one. She knows. . . I shrugged off the gear jacket I was wearing. (Y/N) took a look at the gear and marks I had. She seemed mildly surprised, but other than that, she showed no other emotion. "You're a Shadowhunter, aren't you, Jace?" Yep, she's one of the people we've been looking for, without a doubt. "Yeah, I am. And I'm not here to give you details, but you have to come with me." "Why?" She asked, seeming confused. Before I could answer, there was a scream. (Y/N) and I whipped around and saw it.

The demon was towering over one of the faeries, slime dripping onto the ground. Before I could even think to react, (Y/N) grabbed one of the seprah blades from my belt and went to face the demon. She said an Angel name and it blazed to life. The demon turned toward her and growled. She showed no sign of fear or worry, she showed determination and a fierce anger I've never seen before. The demon sprung and she moved immediately to the side. She stabbed it in the back and pulled out the sword, as the demon turned to dust.

Everyone was running to the exits and soon the place was empty. Me, Izzy, Alec, and (Y/N) were standing there. A girl with black wings (warlock, actually) came running in and said, "Guys, you should leave. More of them are coming." "That demon shouldn't have been able to get in! The entire place was warded to protect us from demons!" (Y/N) said, clearly angry. Alec tensed and Izzy stared at her. Wards? What the hell is going on?

So, this took ages to work out. Thanks a bunch, Jace, for bearing with me for this chapter!
Jace: No problem.
And thank you, my readers, for not rushing me and letting me take my time writing. It's hard to write certain scenes in chapters like this one and it takes time.
So, we have a cliffhanger. What do you think (Y/N) meant when she said that the place was warded against demons? Leave a comment, telling me what you think!
So, until next time, peace out! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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