Meeting Eachother

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~Steve's POV~
I've been alone with villagers,animals,and mobs my whole life and I'm pretty tired of it but I just have to deal with it.One day I was getting food and other stuff and when I came back home I seen someone outside of my door,I looked a little closer and realized it was a girl,I went over to her and said,"Hello?" she gasped and pointed her sword at me,"You're not gonna kill me are you?" she said,"No I was just wondering why you were in front of my house." I said,she looked at the house,then looked at me,"Oh sorry,and the name's Alex,yours?" she asked,"Steve." I replied,"Your welcome to stay in my house." I said,I seen that she blushed a little.She followed me inside,and tripped over my dog,Scruffles,and fell on top of me causing me to fall as well,she was on top of me,I kind of blushed a little,and so did she,we got up and I showed her room and how to survive and stuff like that.

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