SF9 as Your Friends

422 13 47


-Always take care of his friends
-The most mature in the group
-Think he was not cute but actually the cutest bean ever


-That friends that will always accompany you if there was alot of food
-Try to cook dinner for you but end up eating it while cooking
-Will choose food more than you
-Will choke you to death if you touch his foods


-The dork
-Living memes
-Make you laugh when you sad
-Will kick anyone's butt if they hurt you
-Look fluffy but can be really feisty
-Tickle you when you are making homework
-Want your attention 24/7


-Compliments himself 24/7
-Savage asf
-The Diva of the school
-Hate it when boys trying to flirt with you
-Starbucks is everything
-"She is my friend.Dont touch her or I will murder you"


-Look Cold but actually really kind
-50% mature 50% childish
-His nose can cut your neck
-Its okay if you pinch his cheeks but if you touch his nose...You are dead
-Look like he's about to murder someone


-Nag at you more than your mom
-Cook delicious food for you
-Have alot of fan
-Call you shorty because he was tall asf
-Make sure you eat breakfast before you go to school.If you doesnt eat your breakfast,he will nag about how important breakfast is
-Have alot of food,lotion, facial cream and medicine in his bag
-Teacher's pet


-The school fuckboy
-Plays guitar for you
-His locker was full of love letter from his fans
-Trying to seduce you but ending up getting kicked by you
-Always got detention
-Cringey nickname for you


-Try to be sexy but failed and end up being a puppy
-Shy shy shy
-He can be hyperactive sometimes
-Never done his homework
-"Can I borrow your book"


-Innoncent Baby
-Want to have a girlfriend but scared of girls
-Bought you ice cream
-He would rather go to arcade than go to the playground
-Think he was manly but not

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