Mijin x Youngdoo

76 5 44

Youngdoo:Jagiya im hungry!

Mijin:Im making some lasagna and pizza!

Youngdoo:Are you done yet?!

Mijin:Give me 2 minutes!It was still in the oven!


2 minutes later~

Mijin:Lasagna and pizza was coming~

Youngdoo:Finally!I've been waiting for 3 years!

Mijin:Dont be too dramatic oppa...its only 2 minutes

Youngdoo:Well yes but not for my tummy.It need to be full 24/7

Mijin:This is why I love you oppa

Youngdoo:But still the food was the second things important in my life

Mijin:What is the first one?

Youngdoo;Ofcourse it was you and my parents

Mijin:Aww~my oppa was romantic~

Youngdoo:Now lets eat.I told Doha to get us some horror movie dvd yesterday

Mijin:If you choke on your food im not going to help you

Youngdoo:Meanie!I hate you!

Mijin:Joking2.Ofcourse I will save you.You are my soulmate.My other half

Youngdoo:Aww~did you flirt with Haejoon again?You are being too cheesy


Youngdoo:Ok.Yumm!This lasagna taste amazing!



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