Chapter 3-I CAN DO THAT?!

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This chapter goes to Xenochick for making want to be a animator and a writer. Xenochick, thank you.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaaah.... are you going to do something?" i asked.

Unknown: "Ya I usually get that for a first impression." *sigh*

I tried to walk around him but he kept blocking me can you move plz?

Unknow: "no"

"Well then this is going to be a long day"

Quez POV

UGGHH when is that lazy neon red holder going to get here, well i suppose i'm a little impatient i've only been waiting for 5 minutes. Just then I heard footsteps behind me. "Hello?" I asked looking around "anyone there?" Then something came out of the darkness and reaplied to me with "Oh I'm here alright to make you stronger then you ever imagined *Evil laugh*
Hey guys and gals(ugh I never say gals whatever) anyways, thanks for reading this NOW finished chapter thx so much I need all the support I can get!

Universal Powers (discontinued) (none of it is cannon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ