chapter 2

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Happy valentines day!!!!

Since I forgot to do this before *clears throat * I do not own naruto or lord of the rings along with the pictures and for a friendly reminder … there will most likely be spelling mistakes.
Now on with the story!!!!


Time skip to one hour later (a/n lovely just started with a time skip)

Echo pov.
'Something isn't right with this forest'
I thought as I looked around the eire forest but was worrying me was that there was no sound what so ever.
I heard a crunching of leaves
Echo - hello! Who's there show yourself!!
Silence was all I received. 'I hope it isn't the people who ji-hokage sent after me to "finish " the job....  I still can't believe he said those things still. '
Flashback ~~~~~~
'Hmmm I'll go say bye to jijji before I leave. ' as I turned partially around the corner I heard jijji talking to someone about me I hope it's good things.
Hokage- yes I want her dead I can't take it anymore of this acting
'No no I must be hearing incorrect. I thought he loved me. ' tears came down my cheek as I ran to the gate.

Flashback over~~~~
' but who am I kidding with I'm a jinchuuriki who is only seen as a weapon to the villages ' just as soon as I thought that a strong wind came and everything went .... Dark.

In middle earth in Riverdale
(Basically everyone who was at the cancel,  yes I mean everyone)
Elrond stood from his chair
Elrond- friends of old we are here to discuss of the strange power
As soon as he said that the wind picked up and something landed in the forest close by so they went to check it out and found a little girl with a strange symbol on her stomach. They put her in a room and was soon about to start healing her but soon found out most of her wounds we're already healing.
Gandalf - that symbol
Legolas - do you know what it is gandalf?
Gandalf- yes...  (He tells them about her "kind" and her world and what she is and how she mist likely got her scars
Time skip to when it's done~~~
Everyone was furious on how people of her world could be so cruel
Arragon- how can they do that to someone so young
He gazed at the little girl who he found out has a powerful demon in side of her.
Gandalf- sadly it is true the life she was forced into along with the eight others.
Gandalf stopped talking as he noticed the child waking up

A/n- thank you for reading until next time

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