Chapter 1

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(A/N This whole thing is for my best friend @NerdyEmoPerson)

Jane P.O.V~~

I stand outside in the Floridian winter weather on my back porch, holding my peppermint tea. I look out along my backyard daydreaming about my best friend Jack Johnson. I have had a crush on him forever, aka since we met. JJ and I have been friends since pre-k. I snap out of my daydreams when my mom calls out for me. "Jane, can you please come fix the table up for breakfast, wile I wake up Miles and William?" "Sure mama." Miles is my little sister, and William is my little brother. I'm 16, Miles is 13, and Will is 10. I go and set the table humming  Human by Rag'n'Bone Man. (A/N that song is rad. Annie, suck it. that word is what you would call amazballzzz  😂) (Annie is my best friend btw) Once I am done I sit down at the table and open my Tumblr app. When they all finally come downstairs, I get up, get all of the plates, and set them where they belong. I try to make small talk, but mom is on her phone, and the kids are still half asleep. I honestly wish dad didn't have to work on Saturdays. Dad is always on business trips anyways, not  like it matters anyways. I can tell mama misses him, but I try to be the best big sis I can be to these little ones. They bother me but, eh YOLO (so old ik #srrynotsrry) I  finish eating and I noticed I got a text from Jack. It says "Meet me at Krispy Kreme in 30 minutes 😜"  I reply with "ok JJ" I take care of my dishes and go take a shower. 10 minutes later, I get a call from him. 

The call~~

JJ- Hey Im gonna pick you up in 10.

me- I thought you said in 30 minutes, not 10??

JJ: I did but Im going to come earlier

Me: ok whatever. i gotta get dressed. bye

JJ: ok bye

Call ends~~

I decide to put on some black skinny jeans and a Andy Black shirt. (andy tho) I hear JJ pull up onto my drive way and so I go downstairs, tell mom Im leaving with JJ, and then I walk out the front door


A/N Hope yall like it so far. JJ is my baby like huhuhouahedfk hes so adorable... gotta go do school work now byeeeeeee..

if yall need someone to talk to, message me . Ill try to get on when I can. Ill try to update at least every tuesday or something 


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