The Secret Operation

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Trapped. That's how I feel. The ribbons are laced tightly down my front legs, the dress tight around my waist so I feel like I'm being suffocated. The shoes cut into my heels and squeeze my paws. I wiggle on the seat, watching the guests chat, yell, and drink wine from silver goblets. I'm sitting on a cushion in a wide windowsill, trying not to keep the uncomfortable expression from coming over my face, which is very hard to do when every second you're struggling to breathe in a room packed with jammers. I see my father raise his goblet above the table, his voice slurred with wine,
"A toast to victory!" He yells. The crowd erupts into cheers and there is the sound of clinking goblets and slurping. I try not to feel down. Father wants me to enjoy this celebration, but I'd much rather be outside where the boys are practicing archery. I glance out the wide window, seeing my friend Prancing. He aims at the target and I see he is way off. Maybe next time, I silently think. I see the arrow miss and once again wish I was not born a girl. Not for the first time I think of sneaking out. Surely father wouldn't notice my absence? I hope he has drank too much wine. But he catches my eye as I stand up. His gaze tells me that I'm going to be staying here a while. I sit down again and pout. He knows me too well.
"Good day miss Ember," I look down in surprise to see a small fox with a brown tux. He clears his throat. I blink, feeling nervous.
"Good day," my voice sounds like a toad's and I hope he doesn't notice. For some reason the fox seems sketchy.
"Count Dashing Storm, Miss."
I nod respectfully and shake his paw,
"Ember Magic Flower," I feel myself sweating as I state my name. Count Dashing's darting black eyes were on me, making me feel deathly nervous.
"How lucky you are to have such a courageous father as the great Sir Gilbert." Something flashes again in his eyes. I almost snort out loud. Sure I'm lucky. But I try to maintain a straight face,
"Uh, yeah." I suddenly hate myself for saying it in such an unamused manner. I must look like I'm ungrateful. I silently hope this conversation doesn't get spread to father.
"Are you enjoying your evening?" I ask him. He nods,
"Quite much," there's still that look in this guy's face that makes me nervous. What does he want from me?
"Ember!" My heart seems to leap to the stars when who should appear but Blooming Pretty Paw? I apologize without being sorry to the fox. He doesn't seem to mind.
Blooming embraces me and starts chatting nonstop with her sing song voice. Blooming is a perfect model. From her glossy pink fur to her sparkling green eyes and her arctic wolf curves, guys are constantly battling for her attention. 
"You won't believe what happened!" She starts to speak at once. I enjoy her excitement and somehow feel a little lighter, which is hard to believe considering I'm wearing this long heavy dress.
"What is it?" I wish she'd tell me already. She lowers her voice,
"You have to come with me,"
I instantly glance at my father. Sir Gilbert is sharing a joke with a dark brown eagle. I switch my attention back to Blooming,
"QSI," I tell her. Its our little code. Quick, Silent, Invisible. Blooming giggles. She loves adventure just as I do.
We slide under the table, the plan clear. Giant paws and swishing tails stand in our way. I look at Blooming.
"Let's go,"
We crawl on the cold floor stones; dodging swinging legs till we reach father's large chair. I gulp. I know what will happen if he finds me. Straight to my bedroom with no supper. Even so, the threat makes this adventure even more exciting. Blooming grins at me,
I kick off my shoes,
Quick is the first step, and Blooming is quicker then a then a dart. She's underneath the chair in a second. I can tell she's trying not to giggle, and have to glare at her to complete the next step; Silence. I almost laugh myself. Blooming is the best partner in crime I could have. I slip through the chair legs, joining her against the stone wall. I see the door is open a crack. Perfect. My father laughs loudly and shifts in his chair. We freeze, holding our breath. Then, she whispers below her breath, practically breaking step two,
"Invisible," she smirks and creeps along the edge of the wall. Before anyone could notice, we're both outside, sprinting to the little glade beneath the cherry tree we call our clubhouse. Once we collapse on the ground, we burst into a fit of giggles. I pull the string around my dress loose, taking a deep breath. Blooming pushes the shiny lock of fur out of her eye, crouching down,
"The secret," she lowers her voice mysteriously,
"Is," she giggles. I glare at her,
"Tell me!"
Blooming falls back amongst the cherry petals. I kick her,
"Stop it and tell me,"
Blooming sits up, her eyes dancing with amusement,
"Okay, but don't tell a soul."
I cross my heart with a claw,
"I promise to Mira, cross my heart hope to die."
Blooming giggles again,
"Okay," she leans closer,
"I kissed Prancing," she blushes bright red and I gasp,
"Blooming!" This is definitely breaking our code. Blooming bursts into laughter,
"I'm joking! I got a A on my test!"
I stare at her, then throw her over,
"You put me through all this trouble for that!?" I can't keep from laughing, even though I'm deathly mad at her. Well, maybe not. She, meanwhile; is laughing uncontrollably.
"At least you had an adventure," she grins. I peer out of the bushes, pretending to ignore her and still be mad at her.
"Wanna beat some boys?" Blooming is holding up my bow and arrows. I smile and slide out of my dress, shaking my fur,
"Let's go,"
Operation two is in action.

Hey guys! How do you like it? I'm really excited about this story!
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Catch you later Jammers!

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