7 - Lions don't wear jeans?

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"Oi! Bitch!" Trip shouted. I heard Sky mumble something like 'Long wedge' but i'm not too sure. The person who was approching the lion cage turned around with a evil yet sweet smile. I wasn't too sure on their gender but all I can say is that the leather clothes they were wearing left little to the imagination. They had a jet black afro and pasty white skin. They also had eyes the colour of the lion's fur. "You mean me? Oh sweetie, i've told you time and time again. It's Beast! Not bitch!" They said with their confusing smile. Trip took off his top hat to reveal a dagger which had a blade that reminded me of waves near the coastline. "I'll call you whatever the fuck I like after what you did." Trip said with pure hatred. His attitude had changed dramatically since when I first saw him. No more than five minutes ago he looked like an overexcited puppy. "Oh sweetie, I was just doing my job!" They said as if they were completely innocent. They took out a key from God knows where and placed it inside the cages keyhole. "And your job is being a succubus?" Roxanne asked rhetorically. Beast smiled flashing off their teeth which looked slightly vampiric. "I thought i could trust you!" Trip shouted. "Trusting people will only lead to getting hurt by them later." They said as they opened the lions cage. The lion wandered out the cages as Beast threw a slab of meat at Trip. Trip caught the meat and the lion spotted him and started chasing him as he began to run. He screamed as Beast laughed. "The panic is hilarious." They sighed. "Trip!" Sky shouted. Trip saw an opportunity and took it. He threw the meat at Sky making the lion run after him instead. I watched as the chaos unfolded as the girls joined in this deadly game of piggy in the middle featuring a lion. I sighed as I threw my hands in the air. "Guys!" I shouted. They turned their attention towards me. The girls threw the meat at me and I caught it. The lion turned to face me and I threw the meat on the ground beside me and made a gesture to it showing the guys what they should of done. The lion raced towards the meat and started violently eating. Everyone watched dumbfounded except the person standing behind me. "Hahaha! The jokes on you! You all smell of meat! It's in my lion's genes to be a natural hun-" They stopped their sentence as I took my machete out and decapitated the lion without breaking eye contact with Beast. There was a full awkward silence until Emilia mumbled "Lions don't wear jeans?" And in that moment, We all mentally facepalmed.

After that fiasco we all left. Except for Beast. We locked them in the cage with only lion meat to satisfy their future hunger. "So Sky." I said drawing Sky's attention. "Yes?" "How old are you exactly?" I asked him. After what happened everyone felt really awkward and didn't want to talk. So i decided to break the silence. He pondered for a moment. "Fourteen. I think. Trip how long have we been here?" Sky asked his brother. "I dunno. Six months?" He questioned himself. I noticed the girls shared the same look of guilt maybe? pain? "So yeah. You're fourteen, going on fifteen next month." Trip said. "Wait, so you'll be eighteen in two months?" Sky asked him. Trip gasped "I'll finally be of legal drinkin' age!" He shouted as he thrusted his fists into the air. "Not in America, sorry bro." I said watching his hands fall back to his sides and his face turn into a frown. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my skull. I placed my hand over where the pain should be and I stopped moving. I slowly started to fall back but Trip caught me just in time. "You alright?" He asked. The world began to blur as I started to hear the twins shout "We're losing her! Quick!"

As the light faded around me and the voices of the people around me drowned out i started to hear a faint wisper.

"Forever locked inside these walls,

Lies a girls who shall answer the call,

To take the flame and carry on

But for now, she plays a con.

When the first one's light fades,

That'll be when she grasps her blades."

I slowly slip into the oblivion some call sleep after hearing that.

Great. I got a prophecy. What a load of help!

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