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Un-fucking believable.

Somehow I left my headlights on all day at school and so now my car's battery is dead. I called Vito, who called one of his old friends who now works at Beechwood's only Auto-shop and I was informed that someone should be around to do whatever needs to be done to my car within the next two hours.


I live in a tiny-ass hick town and it was going to take up to TWO HOURS, for someone to come and fiddle around with my car.

Husani caught a ride home with one of his mates, there wasn't enough room in the car for me. Avery and Scott were nowhere to be seen after school and Avery wasn't picking up her phone so I made an educated guess that they'd decided to bunk last period altogether for their 'quickie'. I even tried Steven, but he has robotics club so by the time he gets out from that the guy from the Auto-shop should already be jump-starting my car.

So now I'm sitting cross-legged on a bench that faces the Senior Parking lot, highlighting and annotating a paper a Professor that I'm working with from Princeton e-mailed me whilst I was in England and I'm only now getting the chance to look over. I guess it's not that bad having to wait here, the weather's nice, the fresh-air is mind-calming and I'm getting done work that I probably would have not done had I gone home and started goofing off with my brothers.

"Now isn't this just pathetic."

My head snaps up and a scowl instantly forms on my face when I see Xavier standing in front of me, arms crossed across his muscular chest, hair perfectly disheveled and eyes narrowed at me.

"Fuck off." I spit, before going back to my work. God, how is it I managed up until my Senior Year of high school without running into Xavier once and this is now my second day of Senior Year and I'm seeing him everywhere?!

Only the asshole doesn't fuck off, instead, he picks my bag up from next to me and puts it by my feet, then slides in next to me. Instantly I get a whiff of his minty breath, it scares me that his scent is starting to turn me on.

"Why are you here?" he asks and his voice is surprisingly normal, like how it was when we were talking in my room last night.

I lift my head, pushing back my dark hair, and eye him suspiciously. "My car decided to crap out on me, I'm waiting for my brother and his friend to come get it."

Xavier nods, rakes his hands through his raven-black hair which honestly shouldn't have made my ovaries want to explode, then stands up and picks up my bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"What are you doing!" I exclaim, looking at him with wide eyes.

Xavier doesn't answer, instead his face scrunches up in discomfort. "How many fucking books do you have in here?"

When I chose not to answer and instead glare at him, he just shrugs his shoulders and starts walking off in the direction of the car park. My school bag still slung over his shoulder.

"XAVIER!" I shout angrily, but he doesn't even turn around.

Huffing and grumbling to myself about why males are so fucking annoying I scrape up my work and jog over to where Xavier's large frame has come to a halt.

In front of a motorcycle.

My jaw drops when my eyes rake over Xavier's motorcycle.

"What, you scared of a motorcycle princess?" I hear Xavier say, condescending tone and all. But I choose to ignore that just like I choose to ignore him calling me princess, at least he didn't call me a freak I guess.

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