The Magic Begins

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Date: Jun. 31 (11 years old)
My family has always been peculiar because of all of the magic apparent. Magic has always been apart of my life even since I've been little. Ever since my dad, Regulus, died and my uncle was put in Azkaban, it's been my mum who has taken care of me.
I am really nervous at the moment but my mum is excited but... I'm worried about which house I'll be sorted into. I come from a long line of pure blood Slytherin and a Gryffindor. I hope to get into Slytherin like the rest of my pure blood family, even though Mum has stopped caring by now. But if I get into Gryffindor, I'll be with two of my favorite people. This is it.
Rosie XOXO

Rosabella Black bounded down the stairs and then preceded to jump over the polished banister, to be met by her excited mother. She grabbed Rosie by the hand and twirled her around the kitchen. Her socks made it easy for momentum. Her hair bounced in the messy bun it was strung in as her mother picked her up and spun her around.
"My baby gets to go Hogwarts!" Marietta squealed in her ear causing her to recoil. She held her hand over her right ear and whined. Marietta set her petite daughter down and apologized with a giggle.
"Sorry, honey, I'm just really excited."
"Mum, I get you're excited... it's fine but I'm just nervous."
"Rose, I'm sure you'll do fine." She replied as she waved her hand trying to dispel her doubts.
"What if I'm not able to make friends or I get made fun of?"
"Well, Rose, you have three friends there anyway," Marietta stated matter of factly, " You have Fred, George there plus this Ron's year too."
"Fred and George are 2 years older than me though."
"Still, Rosabella, you're friends with the lot of them, you'll be fine."
"But what about you?"
"Honey, I'll be fine, I promise." Marietta smiled and hugged her daughter.
"Okay, Mum." Rosie looked at her mother unsure and her smile wavered.
"Now go get some sleep, we are going shopping for your supplies." Rosie retreated up the stairs before shopping half way.
"I love you, mum."
"I love you too, honey. Go to sleep." Rosie smiled making her way upstairs.

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