Chapter Eleven: And the Winner is....

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The next night came quite quickly. Asia was finished packing her bag and she sat down on the sofa drinking a soda pop, watching a re-run of the show last night,“What’s wrong kiddo?” Roxy joked sitting down next to her. “You seem down”

Asia looked at her “Roxy, I don’t want to go home… I love it here! You are like a big sister to me, you care about me unlike my brother"

Roxy looked at her and grinned “Are you sure that’s it?”

Asia looked at her for a while and shook her head. “No, it’s Cameron… I’m going to miss him… after tonight, we go our separate ways, back to our own worlds… he will probably forget about me…” she said sadly.

“Well that’s his loss, I won’t forget about you… here, take this” Roxy said giving her a piece of paper. The paper was covered in hearts and it gave off a bubble gum smell.

“What’s this?”  

“My number and e-mail address… so we can keep in touch… little sis” she winked. “Now come on, the show starts in ten minutes!” she said getting up.

Soon, everyone was back stage. They were all relived about the dance show being over and wondering who one. After the show every night, the audience and people watching at home got to vote to see who should win.Shelby walked up to where Asia, Cameron, Brian and Roxy were all standing. “Asia, can I talk to you?” she said to her.

Asia gave her a funny look but went in the corner of the room to talk to her. “What do you think they are talking about?” Brain said.

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, they better hurry up… we need to be on stage in three minutes”.  Cameron said putting on his wig and shades.

“Still can’t believe you have to wear that!” Roxy joked.

Cameron laughed “Hey, I just want to competition to be fair!” Asia soon came back to where they were. “So, what did she say?”

Asia sighed “She said that she is really sorry….”

“That’s great!” Roxy and Cameron said together.

“Nope… she was sorry that I was not as pretty as her, I swear, that chick has problems”. They four of them laughed. “Cameron… I mean… Arnold” she finally said. Cameron looked at her and smiled. “We better get on stage…” she said pulling him along.

“Thank you for everyone’s participation… and everyone who made this come together perfectly!” Mr. P and Mrs. Small had just finished giving all their thanks to everyone. “Now, voting closes in a few moments, but whilst we wait…. Why don’t we let our dancers dance for you one more time!” the whole auditorium exploded in cheers and excitement. Everyone rushed on stage dancing and jumping up and down. But Asia slipped behind stage and sat down at a nearby chair. Cameron saw her and followed.

“Asia, what’s wrong, aren’t you happy about this, we finally get to know who one and-“

“That’s the thing!” she yelled at him. “After tonight, we get to go home. Back to our normal lives, what if you forget me? You are the only true friend I have ever had…”

Cameron just looked at her. The stage had stopped playing music and everyone cheered. “Come on Asia, we need to get back on” he whispered.

“And now, the moment you all have been waiting for…. In third place we have Alexander and Katie!” Johnson was on stage announcing the winners. The whole room got applauded as the two of them collected their prizes. The room got tense again when Johnson announced the people in second place. “In second place, we have Arnold and Asia!” the whole room applauded and Asia couldn’t believe her ears.

“Asia, we did it!”  Cameron said picking her up and giving her a hug. The two of them collected their prizes and went to the front of the stage where the third place winners were.

“And now… in first place…” the whole room got quite. “In first place, we have Brian and Shelby!” everyone cheered. Asia was a bit disappointed that she had won.

“See, I told you!” Shelby sneered as she took her place with them. Cameron couldn’t take it any longer.                                                                                                                                                                                         He walked up to Johnson and whispered in his ears. “It seems Arnold would like to say something!”

He said giving the microphone to Cameron.“First of all, thank you all for the best summer ever, really. What I wanted to talk about was Asia.” Asia froze. “See, even though she didn’t win first place with me, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, it matter’s about the fun you had. I guess what I am trying to say is that I will miss Asia… dearly… she is funny, kind, sweet, and has some great moves, some which I cannot pull of myself.  She is the only one who really respected me, my feelings and knew that I just wanted to be normal… not that I am not normal.”

“Just get to the point!” some in the audience yelled.

“Right… um…the thing is I am going to be entering the So You Think You Have What It Takes during the Christmas holidays… I’m sure all of you have heard about. They said I could bring one person to share the experience with for the session in Washington.  I would like to announce that I have chosen Asia to be my partner”. The whole room clapped and got up to their feet. Shelby screamed and ran off stage. Cameron ran back to Asia and she gave him a big hug.

“Is that true?” Asia whispered to him.

“Yea… it is…” he said blushing.

After the show and after party, Cameron and Asia sneaked out of their rooms and went to lie down under the stars. “It’s beautiful” Cameron whispered.

“I know…” Asia agreed. The two of them lay together in the starry sky until the fell asleep.  


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