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John looked bewildered, but only for a moment. What a thing to say.

"Sorry, what?"

"I regret not kissing you last night." John chuckled.

"You were the one that was telling me I'd just gotten out of a relationship." Sherlock scoffed and threw his hands up, then coming back down to his legs.

"Who listens to me? I only spew untrue claims about people's love lives when mine is nonexistent!" John pulled into his driveway and hesitated getting out of the car.

"I listen to you."

"Oh, please, you've only known me for two days."

"You went in to kiss me!"

"Stop it. It doesn't matter." Sherlock said curtly, opening the door and grabbing his schoolbag. He slammed the car door shut and started off towards his home. John was in his wake and wanted to snap back a witty response.

"It does matter." He put a hand on Sherlock's shoulder and spun him around. John was trying his very best to look intimidating for a reason he didn't entirely know. He didn't know he was trying to scare the neighbor boy into giving him a more thought out response.

"Does. Not. Matter." Sherlock looked down at the shorter teen with a stare that could stop murderer in their tracks. His eyes pierced and his skin was flushed and pale. John's, tan and determined. He reached up to slam their lips together.

"You're so dumb." John mumbled against his lips. "You're so goddamn stupid, it hurts." Sherlock, who wasn't against John's method of shutting him up, was confused.

Sherlock didn't give a witty or smart ass response. He kissed back. There, on the lawn. How scandalous, two boys kissing in broad daylight so near others to see freely.

Sherlock pulled away first, running his hand over his lips. John didn't know what to say. He stared off past Sherlock through his own fogged breath.

"It matters." Sherlock mumbled. John looked up at the boy. "God, does it matter." John let out a relieved breath, one he didn't know he was holding. Sherlock cupped John's face in his almost gauntly hands. And they kissed again. They didn't know how much time had passed until John's mother was standing on the porch of her home, clapping at the boys to come inside. She had news.

They pulled away and only shared glances before John returned to his car to get his bag. Sherlock was already inside talking with Mrs. Watson about his living arrangements for the next few months.

"Your mother explicitly instructed me that you stay with us for the next couple months. She's put the keys in the very top of the planter on the back porch so you can reach them." John walked in and threw his bag to the floor.

"What is it?"

"Sherlock will be staying with us until the end of your boys' semester!" Sherlock swiveled to face John. He seemed as confused as John.

"I didn't get a forewarning." He turned back around. "Did my mother also say I can stay at home on my own?" Mrs. Watson shook her head.

"There's no way you will be staying by yourself. You simply cannot shop on your own. You're just a boy."

"Why does everyone insist on me being accompanied?" He mumbled. John strode past him and patted his back.

"Welcome to the club." He was upstairs in no time. Mrs. Watson shooed Sherlock out the door to pack a bag.

"Go on, dear, be back quickly. I'm making lunch for you both in an hour."


sorry for the short chapter. i'm not feeling too great at the moment and just kind of wrote this randomly (it kinda sucks, too). but hey, we got a kiss, didn't we?

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