Returning to the Captain's Seat

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"Head captain Yamamoto-sama wishes to see you "


merging the story line

  "Ugh i give up i swear this is a maze," I complain. 

So much has changed here in less than 20 years. I really don't belong here do I ?

"Grandfather has ordered me to lead squad 3...he hates me doesn't he?" I mutter. 

I believe that there was a blond lieutenant , Kera or something? Is that him? I jump and land in front of him.

"who are you" he immediately asks. "state your division and rank"

ooh fast reaction.  I'm going to have fun messing with this one. 

" hmmm who are you?"

 " I am Lieutenant Kira of squad three " he replies. 

So I was right ... "I belong in the third division, First chair " I say mockingly.


It is easier to flee rather than to fight...this was my third week at Kisuke's house. I came here in order to escape the plea of the captain seat, yet they were urging me back. 

merging story line

My seal broke, and now I have to explain to Captain Yamamoto why I have triple the amount of reiki that I used' to have. 

"You would do well to realize that any other hidden talents could become a threat to the Soul society," he bellowed. 

"Hai, thank you for forgiving me this time," I bow 90 degrees. When he looks to the side, I realize I am being dismissed. 

As I am leaving I see Byakuya heading towards Yamamoto's office. 

He brushes by me, not even acknowledging me. I grab his arm, "How long are you going to pretend to not know me? 
We are both captains now, the least you can do is treat me with that respect. 
I thought having a spar would resolve this but did it do anything?
How long will you pretend to not know me?"

"You slept with him." He said stoically still refusing to meet my eyes. 

"I did and I admit it. I enjoyed it but we had years of-

"We were lovers and you were my woman, but you left and you slept with him"

"Will you ever forgive me? Could you ever forgive me?"

"I found the love of my life and she walked away from me then I found my soul mate and she too was taken from me, and for years i mourned then loss of them together. "

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that pain all by yourself." Before he turns to leave to Head-Captain's office again I throw out a last attempt, "I'll be waiting at our place"


I waited for 2 whole days. He never showed.

Finally I collapsed, whatever force was keeping me whole, rather pieced together, fell apart at the seams. One by one the thread fell through each hole it made when stitching me together, and with them each memory resurfaced. 

My relationship with Byakuya and then our fight, myself getting into a relationship with Gin. How different they were...Byakuya was soft and gentle and caressed me, Gin was territorial and harsh and hard. 

Maybe you really do only get a chance, one chance, to try something wonderful.

I slowly stand up...

Wipe off my tears and dust off my robes. 

I walk away from small hidden spot where we first made love as awkward rebellious teenagers. 

I walk away once more from him, and I walk away what could have been. 


The story isn't finished, but honestly I don't think it ever will be...
I started this story back in 7th grade,  and as a sophmore in high school this story makes me cringe so badly. I would write a chapter and then come back after a month and just write...things don't match in this book" and I honestly don't know where I was going with this.
Maybe I'll come back and rewrite it so ends meet at a later date but for now I'm just posting the ending I had made.

Thanks again for reading!!!
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Let me know what you guys think about rewriting this story!


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