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~~~ Y/N's POV ~~~

//// Dream ////

The forest was in a state where I could say it's a disaster . Trees and branches were all broken into pieces . I terrifiyingly watched as my boyfriend and his friends furiously battled with another group of wolves who were planning to eat me alive the moment I stepped foot into the forest . I mean , I know I'm human but please , I don't exactly have the best meat . They should eat Donald Trump instead .

Chenle : Noona , we have to go . Jisung , come on !!

So for now , me and the two youngest are planning to escape while the boys tried to pry those wolves off . Once we exited the house , I grabbed small Jisung's hand and started to make a run for it , with Chenle leading infront .

Not so long after , we caught sight of my halmeoni's house . The three of us then decided to slower down our pace .

Almost there . Not .

We stopped in our tracks when Taeyong appeared a few feet apart from us . Smirking , he slowly approached us while we took steps back . I wrapped my arms around small Jisung and small Chenle to prevent them from either attacking Taeyong or getting attacked by Taeyong . We literally backed up until we made contact with a tree .

Damn you tree !!

And within a blink of an eye , Taeyong appeared right infront of our eyes . He then proceeded to pry the boys off of me , only to be pounced on by Chenle , who just transformed himself into a wolf . Unfortunately , he wasn't strong enough . Seeing this , Jisung immediately budged in while transforming .

Still , they were a no match for Taeyong . Having to take care of these two , I grabbed a nearby branch and immediately joined in the battle . I know I'm not a wolf but hey , better learn how to protect yourself , right ??

Well , here goes nothing .

~~~~ END ~~~~

Annyeong readers !! I have a few suggestions in mind and I need your opinion on it .

1 . I'm planning on creating my own fandom , how does that sound ??

2 . I'll be creating a BTS FF this time round . But instead of Y/N , it'll be a fixed male character . Yes people , you heard me . The fixed male character will be ...... *drum rolls*

Jihyun !! aka Jimin's real life younger brother . I remember I have a photo of him but I can't seem to find it 😂😂 . So what do you think ??

Comment your opinions below and don't forget to vote !!

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