PoEmS!! yAy

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My Poems!! Yay some are sad but hey I like 'em hope you do to :D


She cried in the classroom

No one cared

She cried in her home

No one listend

She cried up the stairs

No one came to her side

She cried on the roof top

No one looked

She jumped

No one noticed


I cover my ears to block out the screams;The pain and misery that always seems to hard to bear

as I sit I tell my self

Don't cry

Don't weep

Don't scream

My ears are uncoverd

Whats that I hear? A single scream unlike the others

I take a breath to stop and see that the scream is me

My scream of pain and misery.

Last moment of the abused

Blood pourd from my open wounds

I'm afraid you cut to deep

Bruises on my belly and back are turning black

this time you punched to hard

Tears spilled from my eyes

Did you hear my cries?

All I know is that you didn't stop

Insted your hits got harder

Soon you stopped to tired to do anymore

But you stood above me

No pity in your eyes

Watching me die

I found my voice

just before the last kick

"Please stop"I begged

You just shook your head

and said "Your better off dead"

He's nothing to you

"I need you"

"I love you"

"Please don't go away"

Oh give me a break

thats what they all say

Look at yourself

What have you become?

A puppet by strings

What has he done?

Your lifeless and thoughtless

He never loved you

your stupid to think

he even cared about you!

Listen to me

I'm asking please

That boy don't care

I'm on my knees Asking please

Forget about him

right this second

He's in your past

not the present

Your not in love

Why keep trying?

Your nothing to him

He's just lieing

Every moment you spend with him

he hurts you even more

Filling you with lies

He's the boy you should despise

He's tearing you apart

eating at your soul

feeding on your innocence

thats how he will grow

He plays his tricks wisely

thinking your a fool

soon he'll go in for the kill

Leaving you

I will not stop

until this ends

He will not take

My best friend!!

I hate I love I wish:

I hate how you made me smile

I hate the way you tought me how to love

I hate when you were always right

I hate the way you made me whole

I hate that I'm not with you now

I hate you had to die


I love the way you made me smile

I love how you tought me how to love

I love how you were always right

I love the way you made me whole


I wish I was with you now

I wish you didn't have to die

but,the truth is your gone

I can't rewind time

So I won't cry for you

I'll just think.....

I hate you for leaving me

I love you for being mine

I wish you didn't have to die

The truth of your Shadow

Lurking in the darkness

Following your every step

watching silently

going unnoticed

everywhere you go

Mimicking your moves,

Because I'm your


The Evil side of you

Love is a Form of Suicide

Love is a form of suicide

Killing you slowly

from the inside

to the outside

Yet we haven't noticed this

fatal feeling

because love is a silent


So when deaths come

Because of a broken heart

You can blame love

Because Love is a form of


I wrote all of these.......Yes I know some are sad but.......................This is how I channel my feelings poetry!!# Anywayzz Tell me what you think and what on you like the best!!



DOn't forget the COOKIES,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2010 ⏰

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