Chapter 11

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Quinn sat anxiously inside a quiet room. A few humans spoke quietly at a desk and they rose as the door opened. A woman handed them a jar containing something. Where's Raven and Hunter?

The people approached her and shoved a needle it her vein. She tried desperately to get out but she was completely tied down! She forced herself to sit still even though on the inside she felt panic overflowing her body. "Raven?! Hunter?! Where are you?!"

Suddenly, the world seemed to spin around her. She tried to shake off the dizzy feeling but it only grew worse. She suddenly lost all feeling in her body and she threw up. What's happening to me?!

A headache formed suddenly and it made her entire head throb in pain. She notice the humans... laughing? They were laughing at her! Quinn wanted to cry but she only clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut as she put her head down. Maybe if I fall asleep then wake up... I'll feel... better... Quinn passed out.


Raven struggled against the metal that held her down. She snarled as a human approached her. I'd love to rip you to shreds, you bitch! Two more people walked in and one had a small bottle of something. "Quinn! Hunter! Where are you?!"

The humans looked over and chuckled. Raven growled and her tail lashed as a man forced open her right eye and put a few drops of something into her eye. It immediately burned and she roared in pain. "You'll pay for that you fucker!"

Her vision blurred in her right eye and suddenly she couldn't see a thing through that eye. She snarled and thrashed as she attempted to escape. The humans laughed loudly and someone in the back of the room was jotting down something on a clipboard. Raven's eye was in so much pain that it was almost completely numb. She held back her tears and set her head down on her paws. Someone... help me.


Hunter took a deep breath and slowly stopped shaking. The pain in his stomach had faded away. "Quinn! Quinn! Quinn... where are you?"

Suddenly, he felt determination flow through him. He was going to escape and get Quinn and Raven out of here! The people had left a while ago. They wouldn't be back till morning at ten sharp to conduct more experiments. He shivered. Hunter looked over at the clock. It was seven at night.

They had put Hunter into a cage in the same room. He examined the lock for a moment. It didn't need a key but the bars were strong. He would have to reach though somehow and open it. He never though he'd do this but he stuck his tail through the bars because that's all that'd work. Even then it was a tight fit. He pressed on the lever and sighed happily when he heard a click.

The door opened and Hunter stepped out. He stretched and looked around. He approached the door and luckily it was a handle instead of a knob. The door opened slowly, with a creak. Hunter hesitantly walked out and looked from his left to right. Only a few lights were on.

Hunter passed rows of doors. But which one is Quinn's? And Raven's?

It seemed to be empty. Hunter paused as he heard whimpering coming from a room. He opened the door and was shocked to see a tiger, which wasn't Raven. His head shot up and he looked at Hunter. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"It's okay. I'm Hunter. I'm looking for my friends so we can get outta here. I'm guessing you wanna come with us?"

"Duh! Open this thing up!"

  Hunter opened the door and the tiger walked out. "I'm Leo."

"I'd love to chit-chat but we have two more friends to get out of here."


They began walking down the hall. "Quinn, she's a liger. And Raven who is a tiger."

Leo nodded his head and Hunter paused as a familiar scent reached his nose. "Quinn? Quinn!"

"Hunter? Hunter! I'm in here!"

"I'm coming!" He looked at Leo. "Can you give us a minute?"

"Sure." Leo sat down.

Hunter burst into the room and saw Quinn inside a cage that was way too small for her. "Quinn."

His voice cracked a little and he opened her cage. "Hunter... I-"

"Quinn. I was so worried about you! I... I love you."

Quinn stepped out of the cage and nuzzled Hunter's cheek. "I love you too..."


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