The Woman in Paradise

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Zyra Claire S. Cabasis

That pair of expressive almond eyes is looking after me.

Wherever I go, it follows me. It's there all the way.

Both when the moon glitters at night and sun shines at day,

I was never alone, for I know she is always with me.

I am aware of how much she longs for my sweet embraces.

She sends me loving whispers and tight hugs when the wind breezes.

The raindrops that fall in my cheeks are her showering kisses.

I miss that woman whose beauty is more than of an enchantress.

I wish to go back to the time when we're always together.

When she happily shared her stories as she caressed my hair,

When she cried over problems while leaning on my shoulder,

All those times, both in sadness and glee, and in tears and laughter.

She hated to see my brownish eyes filled even with single tear.

But I can never restrain it whenever I think of her.

For she is in paradise now together with the Father.

All I can do is long for her, I miss my beloved mother!

 I've made this poem because my bestfriend asked me to for her English project. It's for her mom who has passed away. 

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