Chapter 48

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Willy's point of view.....
3 years later...

Jamie's 15 now. I'm getting old. It's kind of sad to see your child grow up. When they are all grown up you look at them and remember when they were small. I look at Jamie and remember when she was 4 and she was so small. She isn't like most teenage girls though, she doesn't stay on her phone all day and ignore people. She spends time with me and ignores her phone most of the time. " Dad!" I heard Jamie yell. " What's wrong?" I asked as I walked into her room. " Nothing I was just wondering if I could go out with my boy-" Jamie stopped talking mid sentence. " Um...Yeah?" I asked. " Friend!! Just my friend!" Jamie hesitated. " Oh sure." I said. I walked out of her room. Why was she hesitating? Is she hiding something from me?

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