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A/N: So I'm just going to take off from where I finished the first book, so they are still going to be in the plains. Now, on with the chapter!!!

When I woke up that morning the air was still freezing. I involuntarily shivered as I sat up. I could see outside that the sun was just barely rising, painting colors of orange, pink and red against the horizon. Meanwhile inside, Thorin, Balin and Bofur all were sitting up, whispering to each other, waiting for the rest of us to awake. Balin saw me sit up and smiled at me. "Morning." He cheerfully said. I smiled at him in response and turned to my right to wake Kili. My hand swept over an empty space and my eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't there. I turned back to Balin just as he answered the question I was going to ask. "He's out hunting. He got up early so he could have more luck catching something." "Ok." I stood up and picked up my bow that was laying next to me. "I'll try to find him." Thorin was about to say something, but I hurriedly walked out of the cave before I had to listen to him. It wasn't hard to tell where he was, it was pretty flat out in the plains. He was crouched behind a rock, one of his arrows aimed at a pair of rabbits. He had a good shot, so I let him shoot. I just shot the other one. My arrow hit right after his did, and he looked at the two rabbits laying dead on the ground, than looked up in surprise. When he saw me he calmed down a little. I shrugged. "Though I could help." He looked at my dead rabbit and said, "That was good shot. You were pretty far away." I smiled and shrugged again. "I've had practice." He just smiled again and walked over to the rabbit he shot, picking it up with the arrow he shot through its neck. I did the same, and followed him back to the cave where the others were staying. When we got back, everyone else was up, and Bombur had started a fire. We laid the rabbits next to them, and he quickly ripped the arrows out, skinned them, and began to roast them over the flame. While we waited for the rabbits to cook, Thorin told us what we were going to do. Since the pack of Orcs were still hunting us, and right on our trail, we needed a plan. We were to move as quickly and quietly through the plains, staying close to the rock formations so we weren't seen. We ate our "breakfast" quickly, Thorin wanted to leave as quickly as possible, and I didn't blame him. I didn't eat anything, I ate yesterday and, for a half-elf, that's just like skipping a meal for a human. "Quickly. Let's move." Thorin called to us from his position in the front of the cave, and we all stood up, gathered our things and left.

A half hour we were out of the plains and at the beginning of a thin forest. Fifteen of us were standing next to a group of boulders and the sixteenth one, who was Bilbo, was a ways in front of us, watching a trail of Orcs make there way across a hill in front of us. A couple seconds later he came quickly scurrying back to us, trying his best to keep his footing on the rocks. He reached us, panting, pointing and trying to tell us something. "Some.... thing...." He panted, pointing off to the side. "What's the matter? Did they see you?" Gandalf questioned. He shook his head. "No. There's something else out there." Gandalf looked up proudly. "See. What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse!" There were murmurs of agreement among the dwarves and Bilbo raised his voice. "Will. You. Please. Just. Listen! I'm trying to tell you, there's something else out there! He pointed in the same direction that he did the first time. Gandalf's expression turned grey. "What form did it take? Like a bear?" Bilbo looked confused. "Ye-yes. But bigger. Much bigger." He said in a worried tone. "I say we double back!" Nori announced. "And be run down by a pack if Orcs?" Thorin challenged. "There is a house, not far from here where we might be able to take refuge." Gandalf said. "Who's house?" Thorin asked. "Are they friend or foe." All eyes turned back to Gandalf as he gave his answer. "He is neither. He will help us. Or he will kill us." He spoke too matter-of-factly for my liking, but it didn't seem to effect anyone else. We heard the Wargs howls somewhere near us, and Thorin asked, "What choice do we have?" "None." Gandalf said. The Orcs had spotted us, and were now getting dangerously close. "Run!!" Gandalf shouted and we all took off, running between the trees, across fields and down hills. Untill finally, we burst out of the trees and in front of us was a little clearing. And in the middle stood a large wooden house, which was what I expected to be the house that Gandalf had told us about. "Quickly! Run!' Gandalf shouted from the front of the line. As we came closer to the house, a huge, black bear-like creature burst out of the trees right next to me. I did my best to not scream like a little girl as I ran faster towards the direction of the house. The bear lunged after us, and it would have caught us if we hadn't been so far ahead of it. The dwarves in front of me slammed into the front door, banging on the wood with their fists and shouting. I saw Thorin push his way in front and hurriedly lift up the latch and everyone ran inside. The head of the beast smashed through the opening and we all slammed ourselves into the door, finally succeeding in pushing the beast out, so that it gave up and walked away. As we turned around Ori asked the question we had all been thinking. "What was that?" he asked. "That is out host." Gandalf said, again way too calmly for my liking. "His name is Beorn." He continued. "And he is a skin changer. Sometimes he takes the form of a great big bear, when other times he appears as a man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with." Ori, who had his ear up to the door, said, "He's leaving." "Get away from there." Nori pulled him away. "It's not natural. None of it. It obvious. He's under some kind of dark spell." He said. "Don't be a fool." Gandalf said. "He's under no enchantment but his own." He took off his hat as the rest of us walked around the small, two room house, looking around. "Now." He called out. "Get some sleep. You'll be safe here tonight." He paused and looked back at the door. "I hope." He added quietly, so only a few of us heard. I slowly sat down near the others, wondering, why of all places did Gandalf have to lead us here??
Yeyyyyy!!! First update!!! If you haven't read the first book I wrote, please do, it's called "My Name is Mariel." You can find it on my profile. Thanks so much to paris_gurl3 for doing the cover!! It's amazing!!! Sooo yeah. Read and Comment!❤❤

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