The Big Reveal

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Diggy: what the hell

Layla: hey Daniel I didn't expect you to be here so soon

Diggy: hahah well I'm here now the better question is when did you get here *runs and hugs her* I've missed you so much it felt like we've been apart for years

Layla: Daniel it's only been a couple months and I've missed you too I've been here for a while I wanted to surprise you

Diggy: well you defiantly did

Layla:so about this big reveal thing when are we gonna tell your fans

Diggy: I think we should tell them now how about I do a ustream and introduce you that way then they can ask you questions and get to know you from there

Layla: ok that sounds good

Diggy grabs his phone out of his pants pocket and sends out a tweet to his fans

"Jetsetters I'm going live on ustream right now I've got someone very special in my life that I would really love for you to meet #jetsettersup "

Diggy pulls out his computer logs onto ustream then looks at Layla

Diggy: are you sure your ready for this

Layla: yes Dan I'm sure we're gonna have to do this eventually

Diggy: ok then here goes nothing

Diggy begins broadcasting and before you know it there's so many jetsetters in the chat that diggy had to remove some

Diggy: sup jetsetters how are yahll doing tonight

All the fans start reply good I love you come here and come there

Diggy: jetsetters there's something I need to tell you all there's this very special girl on my life and I love her very much we have been together for a couple years and I've always kept her a secret but not anymore everyone I want you to meet Layla

Layla show her face to the camera and say hello to all the fans and tell them a little bit about her self

Layla: hey everyone I'm Layla and I'm sorry that Daniel and I have this a secret for a long time but we felt that it would be best for my protection but I really hope that you all can like me and not be mad at him for keeping this a secret

*** how are the fans gonna react? Do they like Layla? Are they mad at diggy for keeping their relationship a secret? ***

** five likes AND comments and I'll post the next one tonight! Thanks for reading!**

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