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She couldn't suppress the tremor, which slowly spread throughout her body, flowed through her veins and overcame her with panic. Her thoughts belonged to only one person - the mysterious man who was full of stunning beauty and charisma that broke the mountains. When she landed back in her chair, Dolly glared at her with probing gaze. Natasha shyly looked into her eyes, trying to convince that she looks calm enough. Apparently she didn't because Dolly raised her eyebrows.

„You lost your head that you're kind of... weird?"

Natasha shook her head and tucked disobedient strand of red hair behind her ear. "Almost," she said, while unconsciously gripped the edge of literature textbook that  was still lying in her lap. It suddenly weighed as much as an anvil, just a mere glance at the envelope let stupid grin rise on Natasha's face. Dolly had still watched her constantly maliciously and bit worried at the same time, because she knew what could chase through her friend's head, but she couldn't ask, because there was a door slam. Draft, Natasha thought, without lifting her head. But she heard the sound of footsteps, slamming into the floor in a rhythmic, seductive sequence, she was forced to look up. 

She caught her breath. If she had considered him as unfairly attractive, she had something wrong with her eyes. Then, she had not enough time to really explore it, but now she decided that she will drown in that divine perspective for the whole lesson. While she felt her throat driyng up and the last drop of saliva regretfully told her it's goodbye,  she literally undressed him with her eyes. Fuck, how can anyone be so hot, she thought desperately, staring at his perfectly shaped, round ass, that looked so nice and defined in those black suit pants. She heard some other girl classmates trying to get what's happening right now. Even Natasha didn't exactly know what's going on, because he took her breath. His eyes, scanning the whole class like a pair of predator's sight, looking for a prey to hunt. When they locked up with her blue, scared ones, he softened. Straightened up a little bit more, showing that perfect curve of his buttocks. 

„Holy molly quacamole," Dolly sighed. Natasha immediately killed her with her eyes, but Dolly didn't even seem to be interested. She paid much more interest to that gorgeous guy who tried to explain them that he's their new teacher.

"Good morning, guys. I bet you expected something different than... me. You know, some old, dirty lady, no, not in the dirty way dirty, just... dirty." I want you to be dirty to me, Natasha thought. It seemed like he's able to read minds, because he smirked at her. The whole class laughed and Natasha's cheeks immediately went red, even she didn't even have to feel ashamed. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"My name is Anthony Stark and I'm your new literature professor now, obviously. They mostly call me Tony, but, for you, I'm just Mr. Stark. Got it?" Class hummed in agreement. "Right. I just want you to know that even though I look just like some handsome teenage douchebach, I'm very, very strict. Guys, this is your graduation year, so you have to study hard. I won't tolerate your adolescent excesses or whatever you want to call it," he waved. Then he suddenly stopped talking, just stared on the other side of class. Natasha turned in the direction of his stare and tried not to laugh. Two douchebags, Allan and Gary, were talking about something very important and interesting and they didn't paid full attention to Mr. Stark. How dare you.

Mr. Stark just sighed, his warm hazel eyes darkened, he frowned and reached for some paper, lying on the desk before him. He didn't even spotted huge-breasted blondie that watched him with unplayed interest. He just took that damn piece of paper, crumpled it and threw it at those two little bastards.

"Do I disturb you, gentlemen?" he shouted, voice slighty curled with dash of anger and coarseness. Allan gently shook his head, while Gary still smirked at Mr. Stark, who challenged him with his angry frown. 

"Alright, I just have few things left to explain you, so stay calm and let me..."

"Sir, what are we going to learn today?" The whole class burst with laughter, except Natasha, who still stared at Mr. Stark, her lips slightly parted. Mr. Stark just sighed and leaned over to Jessica, huge-breasted blondie, who tried to seduce him. 

"You're such a weak shit, man," Natasha whispered, slightly stiffened, because she had that bad feeling that Mr. Stark actually caught her and flashed his eyes to her for a moment. Natasha took a deep breath. He seemed like he don't even heard anything. 

"Well, miss, I don't know what are we going to learn today, but I know what are you going to learn. Let's start with the lesson on "How to keep your mouth shut when you're not asked". And, please, don't try to seduce me. I'm immune." While Jessica was drowning in shame, Mr. Stark scanned the class. Dolly nudged Natasha's ribs, while the redhead just shook.

"I think we should go for some short revision. Pull out your papers."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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