Chapter 6

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I put on a lace skull tank top with ripped skinny jeans,I brushed my hair and teeth then my converse's.I then grabbed my Gerard's sweatshirt and put it on.I walked into my living to see Gerard sitting on the couch with Mikey and Frank."Gerard,Can I meet you on the porch?"I asked him.He nodded then went outside onto the porch."Frank,I'm REALLY sorry.I never meant to steal Gerard or anything.Please don't hate me."I told him."Mikey,Please don't forget how amazing you are."I told him then turned to walk out.If there weren't happy on that tour then I wouldn't be happy.I then walked out to see Gerard waiting for me.

We walked hand in hand to the coffee shop that we met at.The men were still there but they put their heads down when we passed and I saw Gerard smile.When we got in,We order the same drinks from that day,then sat in the same place and Gerard arm was around me."I remember when I met you here.You were drawing a cat."He said then smiled."Yep,The only sucky thing is when I was almost raped outside."I said."Yep,Only bad part of that day."He said frowning."But,If you wouldn't have saved me.We would be here right now."I said happily."That's true."He said.After we finished we went to a movie theater.It was a scary movie but since we were making out during half of the movie,We really didn't care about it.He bought us food and drinks.We sat in the back kissing and feeding each other popcorn and  holding hands.

It was time for his concert and the movie ended.We both left hand in hand again."Have fun?"I asked him."I felt like a fucking teenager in a movie!Of course I had fun."He said smiling.I squeezed his hand smiling too."By the way,You're coming back stage tonight."He told me."Oh am I?"I asked giggling."Yeah,It'll be awesome also there will be food."He said."I'll be there!"I said.When we got back to my house to find a note that said:

Gee,We're backstage.

Hayley,Thank you.-Mikey

"'Thank you' for what?"Gerard asked me."We had a talk."I said."Oh."Gerard said then grabbed the boa and left with me.We got to a club in town and I got behind the stage,Which was a nice room and like Gerard said,There was food.We both ate somethings and he then started getting ready.Gerard started putting on his makeup.''He was way better than me at doing makeup.''I thought.When he was done he pecked my lips.It was time for the show,The lights went out and they rushed on stage.They play their hearts out.In the middle of I'm Not Okay (I Promise),Girls started taking their shirts off.When the song ended,Gerard spoke,"Ladies,Put you tits away.".He then adjusted his boa.They played a few more songs and then it ended.

A reporter for a magazine was asking Gerard some questions.Gerard answered them nicely."Did your girlfriend give you that boa?"She then asked him."You know what?My girlfriend did give me this boa."He said then wrapped an arm around me."I know this might be strange,But could I have a picture of you two kissing for the magazine?"She asked Gerard.He then kissed me and she took a photo.''Thank you.''She said and left.

The guys went back to the van but me and Gerard went back to my house.Me,Gerard and Danger snuggled on the couch watching horror movies.I had three days with Gerard and fucking hell I'm gonna make every god damn second count.

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