[ch. 1]

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The night was cold, Valentine walked the dark alleyways of her neighborhood. Not sure on what to do, since well she just got fucking dumped by her now ex-boyfriend Marcus at one of his partys. Valentine's face was stained with tears new ones forming in her eyes, remembering how he kissed her best friend Kayla in front of her and then telling her how it was her fault he was breaking up with her.

"That cheating motherfucker....." She said, her voice quivering as she tried not to cry out loud. She stopped and leaned on one of the buildings and just let it all out, She couldn't lie to herself. She missed him, 'What could I have done?' She kept thinking. Sitting down on the sidewalk for a breather.

Valentine eventually got up and started walking to Jaxon's house. Val attempted to make it look like she wasn't crying but probably failed horribly. She banged on Jaxon's door.

"Come on Jaxon!!" She yelled her voice still a little shaky. She could hear shuffling on the other side of the door, a few "Fucks" and "Ow's" finally a groggy Jaxon answered the door. He wore bright blue sleep pants and a grey tank top, he looked kinda like a 20 year old Jared Leto.

"What's up, Val?" He asked a little confused and tired, "It's 3 in the morning....."

Valentine tried to hold back tears as she tried to speak, "I-I......" She couldn't hold them back anymore and started crying, fresh tears staining her face. Again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, come here." Jaxon pulled Valentine into a tight hug. "Tell Uncle Jax what's wrong..." He said trying to cheer her up.

She chuckled a little then imminently frowned again, "M-Marcus.....Is my problem..."

Jaxon Frowned, "I told you he was bad news." He brought her inside and sat her on the couch. "Now let me make you some tea and you tell me what happened."

Val nodded and laid back on the couch, "Well, it all started at his home party...." She took in a shaky breath, " He knew I was right in front of him and that I could see him.....Then he kissed Kayla right then and there...." Tears were forming in her eye's again.

"I see, I see said the blind man...." Jaxon said walking out of his kitchen with a cup a tea. "Like I said before and will always say about him, He is bad news." Jax Handed Val the cup of tea.

"Thanks Jaxon.....I should have listen to you....." Val sighed and took a sip of the tea, "Thanks for being here for me Jax....."

"No problem, What are best friends for? If not this." Jax said laughing slightly.

"Do you mind if I crash here tonight?" Val asked looking into Jaxon's eye's.

Jaxon scratched the back of his neck blushing a little, "Y-yea, No probem Val, You can sleep on the couch......"

Val nodded and went to put her tea in the fridge.

Valentine couldn't sleep, she carefully got up and tip toed to Jaxon's room. She opened his door making sure not to wake him and carefully climbed into his bed with him. Jaxon just rolled over putting his arms around Valentine. Val blushed at his sudden movement not expecting it.

"Jax? Jaaaaax?" She whispered his name a couple times. "Jaxon, wake uuup" She whined a little. "Hm?" was all she could get out of him. She sighed and closed her eyes falling asleep within minutes.......

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