Imagine Chuck telling you he's God.

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Imagine Chuck telling you he's God.

You are waiting for Dean and Sam to wake up for breakfast that you cooked for them. You have been living with them for 5 years now ever since your parents were killed by a werewolf. You were dating dean for 4 years. You have met Charlie, Bobby, Cas, Kevin, Chuck, Jo, Ellen, etc.
One day when you convinced Dean and Sam to go on a ghost hunt by themselves you decided to go and check out your own case. It was a list of murders, and all the people that were dead had their throats ripped out. So you knew it had to be a vampire. It was also in Chuck Shirley's town so you decided to ask if you can stay with him while you check it out.
Once you got to his home he gladly let you in knowing that you knew Sam and Dean.
"So how have you been Chuck?" you asked him right as soon as you walked in. He said he was ok and asked what you were doing in town.  You told him about the murders and how you were trying to find the vamps nest and needed a place to stay while you were there and how you didn't want to stay in a motel all that much because you don't really like them.
He gave you a room upstairs and it was actually pretty nice better than the rest of the house which was more crowded. This room was like untouched and roomy. So you liked it.
After a while you got in your FBI suit and went around the town and asked people about the murders and if they had security cameras to catch the vamp more easily and so that you could follow him. You did see one.
It was a murder at a corporate office building and it was a man with blonde, spiked hair, and had a scar down the right side of his face which you assumed to be from one of his victims that tried to fight back.
You seen him in a bar that you were at and decided to hang around so that you could follow him.
You followed him to a abandoned warehouse and you looked through a small window. There were like 3 vamps which you thought was good cause you could take 'em. You ran in and started slicing off the threes heads once they were all dead you started to walk off going to get body bags to hid the bodies when out of dark corners came at least ten more vamps. You started backing away and thought to yourself that you will need more body bags to carry these vamps out and that you are gonna need help digging a big hole for thirteen bodies if you even made it out alive. They started coming at you and you sliced off  at least four heads. The others teamed up on you and took you down. You thought you were done and thought that you never told dean and Sam where you were going so they weren't gonna come any time soon. You prayed that god heard you to send someone to help you when all of the sudden a bright white light shined throughout the warehouse and all the vamps fell to the ground like they just all of the sudden died from a light.
You looked around and only seen one person. CHUCK!
"You got some explaining to do!" You screamed out at Chuck and he just looked down at you and all the vamps disappeared into thin air. When you walked at of the building with Chuck you seen thirteen freshly dug and covered holes. You were relieved to find that you didn't have to dig and drag and cover each buried. You went to get in your car and asked Chuck if he was getting in and he said "No I got a faster way home" you just looked around and realized he had just zapped you and your car and him all to his house. He said "We should get inside I need to tell you something."
"Talk" you demanded
"Ok now I know this might sound unbelievable but... Um obviously I'm God."
"Yeah and I'm a zombie" you told him not believing him. 
"Watch this" he told you he showed you his true form (like he did with meta trim in season 11)
"Ok umm well I uh um" you mumbled not knowing what to say to the God as in the man upstairs god.
"Hey um keep calling me Chuck though um I didn't tell Sam and dean yet so don't tell them please I should do it"
"Ok well um you might want to do it soon cause I'm gonna end up blabbing something this big to them."
"Don't worry I will". He told you.

A little while later

Sam and dean walked in the bunker door you were already home cause Chuck zapped you there.
"Hey Sam, Dean." 
"Hey y/n" they both said at the same time.
"So you know that I have a camera system hooked to the front steps and I happen to see you driving off and not coming back. Where've ya been?" Dean asked you being nosey.
"Are you like my babysitter now, I went on a hunt. It was a vamps nest."
"Are you crazy y/n you could of been killed you need backup on those sorts of hunts."
"Oh don't be such a baby dean it was only like thirteen vamps" you mumbled the number so that he couldn't hear it and flip out on you.
"How many?"
"Ok! Like thirteen!"
"THIRTEEN! Are you crazy, you could of been killed,    Sam!" He yelled knowing he needed back up which Sam just went to the bathroom.
"Yeah what's up dean."
"Y/n here thought she could go on a hunt for vamps by herself and not need backup."
Sam told dean that he didn't see a problem with it and dean told him how many there were and Sam exploded asking how you made it out alive and then flipping saying you should have called them.
"Woah, guys calm down I had someone's help."
"Who?" They demanded to know at the same time.
"How in the hell is Chuck gonna help you he doesn't hunt."
"Because-" you cut yourself off knowing you shouldn't say anything.
"Because why?"
"Uh I showed him how to hunt vamps?" You lied saying it in a questioning tone.

A few hours later after the boys calmed down you all went to a bar and you got a little drunk not haven drank that much in years.
"So guys did I tell you how much I wuv you?" You said like a kid.
"Y/n I think you've had enough" dean said taking your drink.
They took you home and tucked you in and you looked dean in the eyes and told him you want to tell him a secret.
"Did you know that I wuv you"
Yes, y/n I do is that all?"
"No the real secret is I know who god is! Haha you don't he told me himself"
"Oh yeah who's god"
"Chuck" you hiccuped. "Oh shoot he told me not to tell you... well woopsey gets the cats outta the bag." You chuckled.


" Uh my head hurts" you said "Dean can you get me some water?"
"Uh yeah hey do you remember what you told me last night?"
"That I love you and then everything went black." You told him
"So you don't remember telling me that Chuck was god?"
"Omg I told you... I mean I don't know who's god" you tried to lie
"Yeah not gonna happen I called him last night and we talked about the hunt you were on how he saved you and that he was God and he showed me and Sam by zapping us there, so um thanks for you know telling us right away... not why didn't you tell us?" He said sarcastically and questionably.
"I'm sorry dean he told me not to say anything until he told you."
"It's fine"
You went on with your day talking about God and other things and found a hunt which dean made you go on with him and Sam.

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