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Words surrounded Dan as he walked through the halls of his high school. Everybody was always looking, always whispering. The voices around him never left him alone. They engulfed him in his own private hell of a life and just kept talking.

The voices knew everything.

They knew every secret Dan had ever had, every little thing he had ever done. They tormented him with facts about his life and left him in the black hole of his existence.

The doctors all said that the voices weren't real; that they would go away. They prescribed anti-depressants so that Dan wouldn't hear them as much. They only made it worse.

There was one voice though, that kept Dan going. It was a real voice, not one inside of his mind. This voice had a physical entity; a mind and body of it's own. Whenever Dan felt down or the voices drowned out his brain, he would come to the one that made it all okay, the one that made the suffering worth it. The voice called himself Philip.

Philip had an intriguing mind. He was always hyper and was always passionate. Sometimes, though, he wasn't so lively. Those were the days Dan enjoyed the most; they gave him a chance to give back and be there for Philip. He could finally be of use to someone.



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