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Dan couldn't move. He couldn't see. He could only hear, and what he heard made him happy his other senses weren't working.

He was laying in a bed, his head up on two pillows for comfort, the voices came from all around him in hushed whispers about what could have been.

He tried to thrash around and call out for help, but his body was on lock down.

The only thing that he could do was listen.

"You're worthless"

"He doesn't love you"

"He's thinking about leaving you"

"He talks about you behind your back"


Dan could feel tears beginning to roll down his cheeks as he tried to block out the noise.

The next thing that he felt was an odd sensation - something that had never happened before. It felt as if he was being lifted from the bed and was carried a long way until he felt his head touch an arm of a couch and he could move again.

He still couldn't see because he was crying, but he could still hear. He heard things,

"I won't ever leave you"

"Don't worry"

"You're safe now"

Dan could feel himself return back into reality as the voice soothed both his body and mind

He was surprised at how calm and safe the voice made him feel, as if the world was alright and he was actually safe.

And then he remembered. Phil.

"Thank you."

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