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There is a fluctuating line between what is predictable and the completely infinite unknown. Below that surface lay an uncertain darkness where light is limited and sound is muted. The tide drew in and out almost as if the ocean itself was alive and breathing... It's gentle tug like a mother that lulls her delicate new born child in her arms. The sun shun shallowly through the depths of the sea, only showing through patches in the thick nimbus clouds that cast a gloomy shadow over Maine. Waves crashed and fell over each other in fluid movements, the wind carrying them indirectly forewarned of a distant storm that is to cover the town in a few hours time.
      Almost like the child is to it's mother, the somber ocean cradled it's own form of youth. It floated weightlessly on the surface, his back towards the sun and his entire front facing the distant ocean floor. His arms floated out before him, the colorless skin slightly decomposed by various inhabitants of the ocean and his fingernails peeled away by the harsh salt water. Dark hair haloed around his head and the silky strands aimlessly flowed in the water. The boy's washed out clothes clung to his arched frame. Though lifeless, the boy had an aura of innocence that surrounded him, lost innocence, for he was young and had drifted far away from home. His identity and the secrets that came with it are forever lost in the sea as he is pulled into the vast apologetic ocean, leaving all that was familiar behind.

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