Pink Fur; No Fluff

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When the night goes dark, and all little boys and girls go to sleep, there are many, many creatures that awake. Some are good, some are bad, and the world around the sleeping child, is where they do battle.

It is on the window sill, by the lamp shade, and on the bedhead that they fight, brave hearts against cool shadows, as our defenders watch over our children, against the shadows that come with the night.

On this night, the defender is Buttercup, a bear with a heart of pink - literally. She was a fluffy bear of pink, with a white circle chest, with a pink heart emblazoned into it. Her ears and paws had patches of white fur, and her snout was a firm white thing with pink stitching.

She stood guard over a young boy, thanks to some confusion with the grandparents, but he loved her still - so long as no one was watching. And she watched over him. Always.

Currently, she was balancing on one foot, at the foot of the bed, just stretching, trying to keep flexible, because doing flips is simply fun.

And as she stretched, she could see the window, and the Shadow waiting there.

Now, Buttercup was a cuddly sort of bear. Her heart was large, and she was the kind of bear that tried to befriend any monsters that try to hide under the bed. So when she saw the Shadow creeping at the window, she invited it in without a thought.

The Shadow was wary, holding back, but then it flew quickly into the room and dove upon the boy, a nightmare at its fingertips.

Buttercup appeared in its way, ears flat back against her head, and an angry sneer upon her face, revealing a wrath there that terrified the Shadow and it shrank backwards.

Buttercup instantly became the fluffy happy bear of before, and she smiled sweetly, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

The Shadow seemed to quiver at the thought and Buttercup shrugged, "I could always make you a hot chocolate."

The Shadow seemed to melt, as if despairing, and left the room, leaving behind a disappointed Buttercup.

"Oh well, there's always tomorrow night." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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