The Make A Wish Foundation (1D)

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The Make A Wish Foundation (1D)

Hey guys! So I write on my phone so forgive any major mistakes :P I promise it will get better once my laptop is fixed.

So if anyone wants to help out just pm me! I still need help with the cover, tbh figuring out wattpad, and editing, and other stuff. thanks!


Chapter One

It all started with the headaches.

The headaches.

Except they were so much more than headaches.

They'd been going on for months, lasting days at a time. I had no idea what was wrong, but I always thought it was one of those things that would go away in a day. It never did.

So when my mom took me to my pediatrician, he just got this concerned look on his face.

"Hm. I'm going to check that out a bit. I'll put you through a few tests and we'll find out what's going on." He then started to talk to my parents and I just kind of tuned out.

Over a few weeks, he did some tests and instead of telling us the results over the phone, he called us back to his office.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, I'm afraid your daughter has a very serious condition." I know I should have been a tad more concerned then, but I was really only thinking about how he rudely acted as if I wasn't in the room.

"What is it?" My mom asked.

The doctor looked me straight in the eye.

"Anna, I hate to be the one to give you this information. I gave your tests to a local oncologist. You have a tumor in your brain. It's right on your prefrontal cortex, so some of your...."

I trailed off. Brain tumor? Cancer? What the hell?

"Stop" I said.

My mom was crying and my dad was trying to comfort her.

"Cancer?" I asked with an astonished expression on my face.

"Erm, yes." the doctor said uncomfortably.

What the hell?

I'm sixteen.

I don't have cancer.

This guy must be some kind of fraud.

I suddenly got very angry.

"What the hell? Cancer? This must be some kind of a sick joke. You're a horrible person. How could you pull some kind of a prank like that? Can't we sue you for that?"

I looked over at my mom. She was looking at me, she looked so helpless. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.

"Mom? This... this is a joke," I said, my voice cracking. "Right?"

I turned back to the doctor. "I'm afraid not, Annalise. You have approximately four years left to live. We can try everything, but I'm afraid this tumor seems like it's very strong."

Only then did I realize I'd been crying. My body reacted before my brain had the chance to comprehend what I was doing. I bolted out of there, jumped in my dad's SUV and drove away as fast as possible.

I didn't know what was happening or what I was doing. I was just driving. I drove as much as I could, then turned back to go home.

I was screaming. I didn't even realize it.

I ran up to the bathroom and vomited for what seemed like hours. I sat on my bathroom floor and bawled, letting my tears drip onto the cold, hard, tiles. I didn't even hear my parents get home. I only noticed when my mom came into the bathroom, followed by my dad. They sat next to me and held me and the rest is all a blur.

I woke up the next morning with dry tears on my face. For a second, I'd forgotten. Then the previous day's events came falling back into my memory.

I would have just sat there and cried, but instead I thought to myself: I have four years to live. I can either actually live, or mope around the whole time.

So I thought I'd make a bucket list.

I sat down at my desk and began my list.

Travel the world

Have a kiss in a photo booth

Make something that will last

Try something new

Leave a mark

Sing onstage at my very own concert

Be adventurous

Lose my virginity

Fall in love

I laughed at the concert one. It was so unrealistic.

My laughter stopped short when I realized what I was doing.


I'm dying.

I got up and walked over to my bed.

I'll just lay here. I'll just lay here, until my head stops hurting.

The Make A Wish Foundation (1D)Where stories live. Discover now