Chapter One

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Author's note: EarthyRainbow_death is going to help me write this book for a little while because we are having a sleepover.

Abyanna, Hanna and Polline stood in the rain at the park, sitting at the bus stop, rain patting down on the single, pink, silk umbrella. Abyanna listened to her headphones and Polline's eyes were glued to her kindle. However, Hanna just scribbled Football match plots in her notebook, being captain of every sports team at the High School.

"Suckers." A passing Serene said, shoving chewing gum into Abyanna's hair. Abyanna three a heavy punch and Serene ran home crying.

Finally a giant carpet arrived, with several people riding on it. "All aboard the bus to Suudrax Village." Said a man in a purple uniform.

The three girls clambered onto the carpet and Abyanna managed to dispose of the pink chewing gum in her hair.

A few hours later they arrived at Suudrax Village and they went to Hanna's house for a sleepover.

Abyanna has never been to Hanna's house. It was mostly purple like most genie houses with a dash of pink or blue here and there. There was a strange, sweet aroma, coming from a magic lamp, which Eyen was staying in. Hanna's parents were mostly travelling so they could grant wishes, so it was mostly just Hanna and her brother.

They slumped down on purple couches and drank some tea. "Hey." Eyen said to the three girls." I'm on summer break right now but you can apply for genie academy. I know how you can apply."

The girls nodded excitedly and followed Eyen to the bus stop to Genie Academy.

Eyen brought them to the office, where there was a woman dressed in black, about 45 years old and with thick glasses, was sat, signing a bunch of papers. "What?" The woman asked, moodily.

"Oh!" Eyen said. "We are here so that these three can go for the exam to go into Genie Academy." 

The woman raised her eyebrows and Eyen laughed nervously. She stood up and grabbed the three girls, dragging them through a corridor and into a strange, empty room.

She pulled a key out of a pocket and unlocked a box. Inside was a button and she pressed it.

"Hello." Said a robotic voice. "Welcome to Stage one of enrolling to Genie Academy."

The woman pushed Polline on a platform and a laser scanner scanned her mind.

"You are a very smart nerd, Polline." Continued the robotic voice. "You have passed stage one."

Hanna was next, and she got in. Then the woman pushed Abyanna on the platform.

"Abyanna, you are ordinary and are not unique. We only accept unique people. I am sorry, but you have not passed this stage."

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