Thirty-Two: Code Red

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A/N: The previous chapter was a little lacklustre, so hopefully this is an the dramatic sense, not the actually-make-you-happy sense ;)

Newt selected two more Gladers to help with the code and Trace was feeling guiltier by the minute; she knew the code, so why couldn't she just tell them? Speed things up? She desperately wanted to, but every time she made eye contact with Teresa, the girl just shook her head, as if she knew what Trace was thinking.

Trace looked at her again. She couldn't know what Trace was thinking, could she?

Could she?

Blink if you can hear my thoughts. Trace forced the words to the forefront of her mind, mentally throwing them at Teresa.

Teresa blinked, but kept her focus on the table and Trace gasped.

All eyes shot up to look at her.

"What is it?" Newt asked. "Did you figure it out? Tell me you bloody found something."

Trace opened her mouth and closed it again. Then she opened it once more. "No. Sorry. I was just...I almost dropped the maps."

Newt sighed. "Please, just be careful, Ace. We need to figure this bloody thing out as soon as we can."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Trace saluted, before returning her attention to the code. She looked up at Teresa, who sent her a confused look in return.

So Trace endeavoured to try again.

Drop your scissors if you can hear my thoughts, she forced out once more.

This time, there was no response; Teresa just kept working.

Stand up.

Look at me.

Do a flip.


Actually, don't die just yet, but could you just let me know you can hear me?

No response. Trace supposed blinking wasn't actually a very clear indication that Teresa had actually heard her in the first place.

Unless she was just being her manipulative, deceiving, shuckface self again.

Which was probably the case.

It was at this moment that Teresa chose to look up at Trace again, and this time they made eye contact. Teresa shrugged as if to ask 'what?', and Trace just raised her eyebrows. Teresa knew exactly what Trace's intentions were, and what she planned to do.

Teresa turned to survey the rest of the room before turning back to Trace, shaking her head subtly.

Trace nodded back.

Teresa shook her head, a little more vigorously this time.

Trace nodded back, twice as enthusiastically, and immediately regretted it, as a new wave of pain rippled through her head. She scrunched up her face and groaned in response.

"Ace? What are you doing?"

Trace and Teresa both turned to look at Newt, who was now watching the two girls quite closely. Too closely. Trace wasn't sure how much of that exchange he'd seen, but she knew he'd seen enough.

He deserved to know.

She glanced at Teresa one more time, who shook her head again, and as Trace opened her mouth to explain, Teresa interrupted.

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