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{This is not based from any people I know in my personal life or online life, I simply made this up out of pure boredom. It's in three different peoples perspectives. Enjoy~}

I hated her so much that if I was given a brick to build a wall between us, I'd end up throwing it at her instead.
I hated her just as much, if I was mugged by a stranger and was told to choose a suspect, I'd choose her over any proof provided.
I loved them both more than I loved myself. If I had to sacrifice one of them to save the rest of us, I'd sacrifice myself instead. I'd never want to see any of them hurt.
The only problem is that they will not take each others side, they always argue over who is right or who is better. I always ended up having to break up a tussle between them. I may get a bruise here or there from a reckless punch, but it will be worth it if they stopped fighting and at least attempted to make up. I do have my own problems to deal with, but they aren't important, they come before I do.
There was a time where I grew suspicious of her, why did she always want us to be jolly together? Why does it matter to you if we are friends or not? I asked her.
I just want my two closest friends to get along, is that too much to ask? I responded back to her. She didn't answer and walked away. I smiled, she seemed to be thinking about it.
I knew something was up with her. She often seemed distant or lost. Is there something wrong? I'd ask her.
Nothing that you need to be concerned about! I'd always reassure. Just focus on how to get along with her, please?
The fighting didn't subside, in fact, it got worse. Small tussles turned into full on brawls with someone leaving with a fractured arm or a bloody nose. I discussed the issue with both of them. What had happened to make them this far apart? How can you go from the best of friends to worst enemies in a couple months?
Her happiness seemed to fade slowly, it was becoming harder for me to make her smile. Was this because we weren't getting along? Were we making her depressed? Are you sure you're okay? I'd ask for the second time today.
I'm absolutely fine! She didn't need to worry about me, she had too much to worry about already. Please get along with her.
This one day concerned me the most. We were once again at it, throwing punches, flicking kicks. She tried to break us up, getting injured in the process. We did break up, but only after she was on the floor, her arm at an awkward angle. It was my fault.
She was taken to a nearby hospital, both of us by her side as she whimpered quietly in pain. Even though she was going through so much pain, she smiled through it all. She got bandaged up after having X-rays, no operations was needed. Both of us seemed relieved.
We were told we could leave, she needed a night over there to make sure it's not anything worse than what they know. We argued our way out of the hospital, quieter than normal. Guilt gnawed at my mind, after all, it was my harmful punch that had broken her arm. I could tell she blamed me, even though she was in the fight herself. I blamed myself too.
I watched as they left the hospital, their mouths going off again. I couldn't help but laugh at them, it's harder to change someone than you'd think. I couldn't feel my arms, or even my whole body. I've been here plenty of times, I knew the procedure of numbing the body. It won't be much longer now.
She didn't come to school the next day, or the day after. I went to visit by myself one afternoon, only to find that she had come as well. We both sat beside her bed as she told us both about her arm.
I forgive you guys, it all okay! I said to them both. After some thinking in this bed for hours, I came to a conclusion to let them hate each other, there was nothing I could do to help them anymore. I also decided to come clean.
I don't have much time left. Tomorrow will be my last. The cancer is too far gone to be stopped now, it was caught too late. My last wish before I left was to see you two get along at least once more. It was selfish of me to have that as my wish, I should've just let you guys be and wished for something not as sophisticated. I'm so sorry.
I know what her wish truly was. She has always wanted to go to a proper forest, to explore under the shadows of the branches, to listen to the wind twirl around the tree trunks. She told me a couple years back. She must have given up that wish for us.
Her last day is tomorrow and we can't even fulfil her dying wish. She never told us that she had cancer. She never gave us any hints or even dropped her smile to help herself, not once.
Tomorrow did come eventually. She didn't have any last words, only last thoughts, thoughts of us. Thoughts on how she didn't try hard enough to help. The funeral felt like it went on for eternity. All that was left with us was regret. We should have payed more mind to her needs instead of our own stupid ones.

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