Chapter.1. Asgard.

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[A/N Before you start reading, this happened after Thor:The Dark World. If you haven't watched it, then you should, it is amazing. Anyway if you have ANY questions then PLEASE ask. It would be my pleasure to answer them, thank you for your time, continue reading. :)]

Brigid's POV

How do you feel, having to go to a place that you do not want to go into? See those familiar faces that you do not want to see? Would you go? What will you do? How will you act?

There was not a word that could describe the way I am feeling right now. It was not sadness, happiness, nor anything else. As I was walking slowly with my older sister Artemis in front of me, I was thinking what should I do. I should not care about my feelings in this moment, I should ignore it. Just like always.  I "put" my poker face on in the moment when my sister turned around to look at me.

"Over here." She said, and I nodded walking after her.

"Heimdall!" She shouted at the sky, and I rolled my eyes.

"When you are ready!" She shouted and then, there was a huge light falling from the sky. It picked us up. In that moment I felt like I weight nothing, like I was numb. Actually there was one thing I felt in that moment. Sick.

"I think I'm going to throw up!" I said, holding my throat. I looked around too see the familiar man, and the familiar place.

"Welcome, Lady Artemis and Lady Brigid." Heimdall said.

"It's nice to see you Heimdall." I said walking up to him, and shaking his hand. Artemis pulled me by my clothes and she said:

"I told you nothing stupid." She said.

"You are not my mother!" I glared at her. She started walking inside and I told Heimdall:

"See ya later, pal." He looked at me with a poker face, turning around, while holding his famous sword. 

Well, he is not so cool.

I saw a lot of guards there.

"You shouldn't be in here!" The guard said, and my sister looked at me. I nodded smirking. 

She started walking, and I took the golden ring that was on my shoulder and I opened it. It turned into a big spear with four colours on it. Blue, White, Red and Green. Which represented the four elements. I smirked at them and then I said:

"It's that how you welcome your guests?" They ran up to me and I ran up to them. I kicked with my spear on the ground, and they all flied in the air.

"Well that was easy." I said and I high- fived myself. I started walking to Artemis to see that she was already in front of the king.

"Yeah, you just walk in like a diva, while I have to take care of them. When do I get to go in all diva like?" I asked her, and she glared at me. Upsie...

I turned around to see the one and only King Odin. The all-father. The most powerful person in the universe.

"Oh, hi." I said and I felt a hit on the head.

"Ow, what?" I told Artemis.

"Our king." She said ignoring me, completely. There was something weird about the king. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"We come from the planet Earth. We are the guardians of the Earth." Artemis said.

"Yeah, right. You mean I do all the work while you take the credit for it." I said, not caring that the king was here.

She glared at me so much, that I thought I would explode. 

"We came to see prince Thor." She said, ignoring me again. And I nodded. And like he heard us, Thor shouted at us:

My Guardian. (Loki Laufeyson Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang