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Walking outside to just roam was fun for you. You didn't want to miss every single day, the bright blue sky above if there are no clouds. You really loved it when there's no clouds in the sky. Just clear blue sky.

You were walking to a playground, remembering how it looked so lonely but now, it's full with kids, playing, which made you smile.

You continued walking until your phone vibrated.

Hm... Maybe a message? From my friends? I don't have any though. Maybe from my mom?

You eagerly take your phone from your pocket and check if who was it from.

Unknown. Well, it's just a phone number.

You shrugged and just read the message he/she sent you.


You tilt your head to the side and frown. You were about to reply but then it sent you another message.

Are you there? Please reply.

You shivered a bit but replied him.


A quick reply from it came, which made you nervous about this.

Hi! Finally someone answered!

What is it that you want?

Well, since nobody else wanted to do this so I'll just ask you!

Can you go to this address?

An address was sent to you from the unknown person. You hesitated and asked him.

Um... Why? Is it important?

Yes, definitely! Please, I tried to ask for help from others but they didn't.

You bit your lip, trying to think. You first thought of this as a spam so you hesitantly denied his request.


Eh? Pleeaaase?

No;;; I won't listen to you.

Please, you're my only chance.

You felt yourself shiver and tried to calm down. You sighed, agreeing to it finally.

Alright, it just feels sketchy;;;

Great! Just go to that address! Message me when you're there!

You sighed once more, feeling nervous of what you're doing. You look at the address and try to build up confidence then went to that address.

???'s POV

I feel bad for the girl that has do it but I don't care anyways. As long as it gets done, I will bring her to paradise with me.

-Time Skip-

While looking through the CCTV's throughout the place, I was looking after the girl if she is intending to escape or run away.

Ah, what an intelligent girl.

She was standing in front of the door, to where I made her go. She took her phone and it seems she's going to text me. I look to my phone and did receive a message from her.

I'm here now. What do I do now?

I smirk, not widely then replied back.

That's great! Why not open the door?

Open it just all of a sudden? That's kind of rude and weird! Plus, I don't think someone's here.

Oh, how about ringing the doorbell?

I looked back to the screen and saw her ring the doorbell. No one answered and my smirk became more wide.

There's so no one here.

No choice then. Do you see a passcode lock on the door?

She looked puzzled then examined the door knob.

Yes. W-what about it?

Enter the passcode please.

Um... Is it alright?

We have no choice, do we?

I guess so... Okay then;;



As I replied quickly to her, I instantly gave her the code then watched her contently on what she's doing. As she entered the code, she opened the door and slowly went inside. I smiled darkly and finally felt some impatience for my revenge.

But, that feeling faded when I saw the girl walk out of the house, texting me.

W-what do I even have to do here?

My dark smile turned into a look of despair and stood up from my chair.

I guess she'll just have to join in our group.

I smiled wickedly, walking out of my place, continuously going to the address, my smile remained.

As I got to the address, I secretly hid somewhere and peeked, looking at her. I sneakily walked behind her and leaned in to her ear.

"I see you failed me but I will give you something for second chance." She shivered at the tone of my voice. She turned around and my face was only inches away from her and she blushed darkly. I chuckled and hugged her.

"You're going to paradise with me. As punishment." I bit her ear lightly and she gasped softly, making me laugh darkly.

"Looks like you've got a bad end."


Welp guys! I hope you enjoyed reading~ Unknown has come to rape you~ ;333

Anyways, stay awesome for me, peeps!

-Nesagi 💕

Unknown x Reader/MC(Mystic Messenger Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now