The Good (Hearted), The Bad (Ass) And The Dirty (Handed)

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Astrix P.O.V

The car journey lasted around half an hour. Throughout the duration of the drive, I didn't utter a single word. Once the car pulled over, I got out to reveal an extensive white building, with a grey "A" embossed in the left corner of the compound. It was quite a marvel to look at.

"Before we introduce you to the others, I must introduce myself." He began, "My name is Nick Fury, but most people call me Director Fury."

He held out his hand and I shook it in response. "Nice to meet you." He started leading me on the path towards the building.

"So I know quite a bit of information about you. Full name is Astrix Murdock, a rather recently joined member of the IMF. Very skilled in spy espionage, combat and the unique talent to control electricity and lightning, post first mission. Very fascinating history. As a matter of fact, it is because of your remarkable abilities that I have brought you here." He went on

"May I ask exactly, where here is?" I queried, still curious why he'd brought me to this site

As we reached the door of the building, Fury turned to me and paused a moment before asking, "Astrix, do you know who the Avengers are?"

I turned to him and nodded. Several years ago, a guy who called himself Loki, tried to attack New York with an alien army, using a blue cube known as the tesseract. But this team called The Avengers had assembled and prevented the aliens from taking over. More recently, one of the Avengers had (accidently, of course), created an artificial intelligence named Ultron, who built up an army of sentient robots, to so call "cleanse the world." Once again, the Avengers stepped in and saved the world. The Avengers consisted of the snarky billionaire Tony Stark, the brave, patriotic and out of time Steve Rogers, the intelligent and rather quiet Bruce Banner, the mighty Asguardian Thor (who also happened to be Loki's half-brother), the skilled attack archer Clint Barton and lastly but by no means least, the mysterious and dangerous assassin Natasha Romanoff. Tony had additionally input his personal A.I. butler JARVIS into a mechanical body, which like Ultron, became sentient and turned into an ally to The Avengers, titled The Vision. I looked up to them very much, as they were a team of people who were normal with expert combat abilities and super powered people who had adept abilities.

"Yes, I know who the Avengers are." I responded to Fury, "Why do you ask?"

"Because," Fury began, leading me inside the building, "You're about to meet them."

I took me a moment to analyse his words, "Wait, WHAT?"

"You heard me" He spoke, almost off handed, as he directed me down a long corridor.

I was not prepared or ready for this. The Avengers were like gods among men. One of them was even supposed to be a god from another planet. Now I'm a fairly outgoing individual, but knowing my luck, I'll probably end up being star struck and gawking at them. What a great first impression that would be. As we neared the end of the corridor, another man appeared form around the corner. In contrast to Fury, he was in a black suit, white shirt and tie, light brown, slightly grey around the edges and wearing a smile.

"Hello there, I am Phil Coulson. Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. which is the organisation from which the Avengers. I'll be taking you around the compound today. He held out his hand, just like Fury had, and once again I shook it in response. "Pleasure." I replied.

Phil seemed to have a very friendly demeanour. I was almost going to ask why Fury wasn't going to take me around the place, then I assumed that a man like Fury would have more "urgent matters" to attend to. He had practically disappeared by the time I was walking away with Phil. Phil offered to take me to the lab first and didn't disagree. On route there, I must have had a nervous look upon my face, as Phil commented,

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