How Nya and Natsu got back Together

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Background: Nya had been writing letters to people she feels guilty about, but never sends them. Juliet finds a letter addressed to Natsu and sends it. He shows up and tries to win Nya's heart once again. This is the part where they get back together.

FYI. Sorry if this doesn't sound like Natsu. Haven't written in a long time.

I sat under the waterfall trying to meditate in order to maintain my emotions; I needed to stay in control at all times. I couldn't afford to slip up. "Breath in. Breath out." I muttered while doing the actions. "Stay focused."

However, his grinning face popped into my head and I scowled. "This is not the time for this right now. Stay focused." I straightened my posture and repeated the motions. "Remember. Focus. You are in control. Clear your mind."

But, that idiot appeared once again in my mind. "Damn it Natsu! Get out of here!" I opened my eyes and slammed my hands into the water causing it to freeze. The mist was radiating off of me since I hadn't maintained focus.

"I didn't think you realized I was here." Natsu commented and I tried to not seem surprised that he was actually here instead of being in my head. He jumped down from a nearby rock and approached me.

"Natsu, this is my meditation time. You aren't allowed to be here." I narrowed my eyes at him. The water continued to freeze over and I quickly resorted to my breathing exercises.

"I wanted to talk though." He stood in the water and his heat was melting the ice I had unintentionally created.

"We can talk later." I growled.

"I want to talk now." He blurted out.

I frowned and folded my arms over the chest. "About?"

"Last night." He attempted to clarify, but I shock my head. "There's nothing to talk about."

"You still love me Nya."

I snorted at his accusation. "Please, do tell me why you think that, because I obviously don't."

"You sent me a letter asking me to come."

"That was Juliet."

"You let me live with you."

"Only after you slept outside for a week and I took pity on you."

"You take me shopping with you."

"Because I don't want you destroying my house."

However, by this time we had moved closer to each other in the heated argument and or faces were only an inch apart now. "You almost let me kiss you last night." I could feel his hot breath on my skin now and I looked away. "But we didn't."

"But we could. I still love you Nya. Why do you think I chased after you? And you have to feel something after our time together." He pleaded.

"I can't." I whisper. My facade had collapsed and you could now see how broken I was. I was that broken girl he saw who drowned her sorrows in alcohol once a month. That broken girl who was always running. That broken girl who could never let anyone in or else they would get broken too.

"Why can't you?" Natsu demanded.

I sharply turned my head towards him and he looked at me in surprise. "Because I don't deserve a happy ending Natsu!"

Natsu shocked his head in protest. "Everyone deserves one!"

"I don't though! I have tried to be independent, but I need to rely on people too! When things get overwhelming and my world feels like it is crumbling I need someone for support! But I can't do that! Everytime I do I drag those people down with me and they get hurt in the process! Everytime I look at you I am reminded of that!"

"We want to help you Nya!"

"But can't! You have seen what happens to people if they do! I just want it all to stop!"

Natsu grabbed me by the shoulders roughly so I only looked at him. "Stop being so selfish Nya!"

I looked at him bewildered. "Selfish?"

"All of those people wanted to help you and I bet not one those people regret! You have to stop doing this to yourself when so many people out there love you! Think of Lilly! Juliet! Me! Me, Nya! I don't want you to be this way!" Natsu panted heavily as he finished his rant.


"No, Nya! Just be grateful and live the way so people want you to! You deserve to live a life like that!"

They want me to happy. They want me to not feel regrets, because they don't.

I pulled Natsu into a hug and buried my face into my chest. "Thank you. I-I needed to hear that." He smoothed my long blue hair and hugged me back too. "Its hard, I know. But you have so many people who love you."

"Yeah. Sorry about this." I laughed softly against his chest.

"Don't be. I'm enjoying it too." I hit him on the back in response. "So, can we be together again?"

I pulled away from his chest and looked into his worried eyes. "You still have a life away from me Natsu. I won't take that away from you."

"I'll visit every chance I get then," He promised. "If it means that much to you."

"I can live with that." He then leaned his head forward, but I slapped my hand over his mouth. "What are you doing?"

"Kism." Natsu tried to say. I got up from his arms and removed my hand. "Yeah, we're not doing that right now."

"Why?!" Natsu demanded.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Because for one thing we just got together and I refuse to let you take advantage of me when I am in an emotional state. So no." I then waved goodbye as I walked away.

"Nya!" Natsu yelled.

Like I'll let the king control the Queen.

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