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The day went on as normal. Nothing really stood out, but Ken stayed on my mind. It could be that he was the first to pay me any attention, but he actually seemed like he wanted to talk to me. He almost seemed interested.
I thought about Madison, my best friend. I always talk about how I had no friends. I do, they just aren't close to me.
Madison lived by the beach, which was an hour or so drive. I hadn't talked to her in a few days. I owe her at least a text.
Sixth period, at the very beginning of class I pull out my phone. My school had a no phone policy, but no one followed it. At least, not in this class. All we do in this class is help make things for the student council. We were like runner ups. I honestly think they put a whole bunch of seniors in here because they didn't have anywhere else to put us.


I might as well do the little homework I have now. Everyone else is in a group. I have four desks all to myself. How pathetic.
I throw my backpack on top of the desk next to me, and pull out my binder. I place it on the desk I front of me, and open it so it covers the neighboring desk, too. Being a loser has its advantages, I guess.
Everyone was screwing off, so I blocked them out like I always did. Two pages and then I could do whatever I wanted when I got home. Plus, it's Friday. Maybe I would go out and see Dad. Nah. Track? I don't know yet. I'll figure it out.
Seven minutes later, and I'm finishing the last question for English. All done. I reach out for my binder when I hear a voice above me.
"I was going to ask if I could sit here, but it doesn't look like there are any seats open."
I pull my eyes up from the desk to find Ken standing in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him, moving my binder off the desk.
"Oh, do you not want me here? Because.. I can go.." Ken smiles while he turns and points to the door.
"NO. I mean, I didn't mean it like that. Just, you aren't in this class." I shove my binder into my backpack.
"I wasn't in this class, but I am now." Did I hear him right?
"You are now?" I set my backpack on the floor and Ken sat across from me.
"Yeah. They had me as office help until they realized all I did was talk to the ladies up front. I never did what they asked me to. It's not my fault those women are bored and need someone to listen to their crochet club stories."
I laughed and my phone phone buzzed. I looked at the screen.


I have some stuff to tell you.

"Sorry I'm not entertaining enough." Ken sat back in his seat.
"It's not that at all." I rolled my eyes at him.
"What is it then?" He laughed.
"Just haven't talked to my best friend in a while."
"You have a friend? Weird."
"Yeah I do. She just doesn't live near here." I rolled my eyes, but the way he spoke kept my attention on him.
"You know, you can make other friends. Here."
"I have a question for you, Ken." I sat back in my seat and folded my arms. "How come I've been here for seven months, SEVEN, and you're just now talking to me?"
His face twisted. "You didn't seem like you wanted to be bothered."
"Well, I did. I wanted friends, but the people here didn't want me." I was starting to get frustrated. As if to save me, the bell rang. "Thank, god."
I stood up and threw my backpack on. I made it through the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Ash, I didn't mean to upset you." Did he just call me Ash? "I was actually wondering.."
He matched my pace and walked beside me.
"Wondering what?" I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
"I know this is kind of weird because we really just met today and all but, would you want to go riding this weekend? I know this spot and--"
"Yes. I do. Just shut up." He stopped, stunned, and I kept walking. We had made it to the parking lot by this point, and a car honked at gun to move from the middle of the street. He jogged to catch up.
"So, I'll text you?" He asked, as I hopped in Stella.
"You have my number." I closed the door on him, and rolled the window down. "Just let me know."
"Ash." Ken called as I backed out.
"No more attitude." He turned around and unlocked his truck.
I laughed as I pulled out of the parking lot. At least now I didn't have to make plans for this weekend. If I'm honest, I'm really excited.
I made it to the house and unlocked the door. I grabbed my granola bar, but instead of sitting down and watching Law & Order, I went up to my room. I dropped my backpack by the door and hit play on my speaker. My Blackbear CD started on the first track. I love CD's.
I forgot that Madison has texted me back before I left school. I plopped down on my bed, my blond hair covering my eyes. I brushed it out of my face and opened my phone.

Oh oh oh. Spill.

Instead of even trying to text it all out, I Facetimed her. She answered right away. I began with the donuts and ended with the parking lot.
"No. Way." She looked up from her homework and stared at me. Her big, brown eyes oddly contrast her dark brown hair. I envy how beautiful she is.
"Yeah. I don't know how I feel." I laugh. "It's like, I'm excited for what will come of it. But, I really don't want to get my hopes up that something good will come of it, you know?"
I had never really been on a relationship. I mean, I had boyfriends, but not the kind that you would tell your daughter about after her first breakup. The last one did nothing but turn people against me. For absolutely no reason, too.
"Well, I, for one, am very excited. Has he texted you?"
I pulled down the notification bar on my phone. "Not yet."
"Okay, well let me know as soon as he does. I need to finish homework."
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too." She smiled and hung up.
I laid on my bed. My mind was running, and I couldn't stop thinking about everything that was going on. I stared at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling.
Then, my phone buzzed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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