Chapter 2.•Fight In The Lunchroom•

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SF9 made their comeback!!!!! I'm so happpyyyyyy for themmmmmm!!! ❤❤

Chani's POV

•Lunch time•
I haven't seen Lyssa (Malyssa) since earlier. To be completely honest I wasn't intending on beating her, she just makes me so mad at her sometimes and I can't control it. When I'm angry I can't help but to take it out on her or hit her. I heard she went to the school nurses office to get checked. I feel really bad. I just have cuts and a black eye, I was treated by the school nurse just a minute ago so I have bandages all over my face.

I really miss Malyssa, I just I hope she will for give me (Again...)

Malyssa's POV
I'm sitting with Taeyang, Youngbin, and Zuho at our usual lunch table without Chani. I had an ice on my cheeks where Chani punched me. I honestly don't know if I should leave him or not. He does this all the time it's nothing new to me. But I'm not stupid to just sit there and let it happen I actually fight back, I win sometimes. My parents nor does my sister knows about Chani's abusive actions toward me, and I don't plan on them knowing.

Taeyang was holding me in his arms assuring me that everything is ok and will be ok. He held the ice pack for me over my cheeks and lips. That's when Chani stormed up to us and punched Taeyang.

"What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend huh!!" Ah man not again!

Taeyang got up and punched Chani 2x's harder, Chani fell down to the lunchroom floor. Taeyang and Chani once again fist fought once again, but it was even worst this time. Blood went everywhere. Everyone in the lunchroom gasped and stares at the two boys fighting.


That's when Zuho and Youngbin jumped in to split them up.

"Don't touch my girlfriend!! I'm her boyfriend not you!" Chani yelled while Youngbin held him back.

"I act more like her boyfriend than you!" Taeyang yelled while he's trying to break from Zuho's grip.

"Aye you two calm down! Why are you two fighting over something so silly" I said.

"Silly? Chani beats you! That's not 'silly'."


"Yah, you don't talk down to me I'm your hyung!"

Chani just rolled his eyes.

"I think Taeyang's right." Youngbin said.

"Maybe you need to rethink this whole thing.." Zuho said.

Maybe they're right..

I hope this wasn't TO crazy.

My Abusive Boyfriend (Chani SF9) AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now