Chapter One

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I read over my passport's  information again to soothe my nerves, Ebony Carter, age 19, female, etc. Same as the last 17 times I checked it. We began our descent, just as the captain had said we would. Touching down was my least favorite part about flying, right next to taking off. 

I let my mind begin to wander and poof, there I was thinking of family drama again. 

I was so scared of leaving the town I called home for so many years, but my dad thinks it's for the best that I stay in Cali with my aunt until the divorce drama all blows over.  In two months I would never have to deal with my birth-mother again, I would officially move in with my dad in south California.

But wow, was it going to be nice. 

My phone rang and I answered. "Hello?" 

"Hi sweetie! We're waiting for you at your gate. Where are you?" 

I sighed. Just my Aunt Tiffany and Aunt Brooklyn. "Hi aunties. I'm nearly there. See you soon." 


A loud sigh escapes my lips as I unpack my suitcase and back pack. I'm nearly moved in when my aunt walks in with a plate of oh-so yummy smelling cookies. "Hey Ebony! I made chocolate chip cookies for you. Would you like one?" She asks. "Oh, yes please!" I reply, taking two and sighing contentedly after taking a bite. I look up and as I'd reading my mind she hands me a glass of milk. "You know me too well Aunt Tiff." She chuckles, "Not as well as I would like to though. I haven't seen you in years, darlin'!" 

A sudden idea strikes me. "How about you and I go shopping? We can take Carson along and he can invite one of his friends!" My aunt's face lights up. "Really?" She asks. "Of course! I need to meet some new people anyways, and Carson is about my age." "Hooray! Someone to shop with!" She grins and practically skips down the hall to go get ready.

I smile to myself and don a white All Time Low shirt, skinny jeans, and a light brown cardigan. I let my naturally curly sandy blonde locks fall around my shoulders, put on some mascara and I'm good to go. 

The doorbell rings downstairs and I run to answer it. It must be Carson's friend. I open the door and there stands a boy with brown curly hair that's buzzed on either side, a style I've never cared for until I saw it on him. Everything about him screams bad boy, but he rocks it in every way. 

"You're Carson's friend," I say. Wow. Good one Ebony. "You're a smart one, aren't a ya?" He remarks, his blue eyes rolling, walking in. Aaaaand there goes all that charm. 

"You must be Ebony," He says, putting his hands in his leather jacket pockets. "You're a smart one, aren't ya?" I say back, copying what he said just moments ago. 

"Ah, so you're fiesty. I like that." He winks and leaves me flustered. "Carson will be down in a minute." I say, grabbing my phone and purse. "We're leaving in about 20 minutes." "Thanks Cutie. Can't wait to get to know ya." 



Hey there! So for those of you who have been with me before, *cough betteroffmendes cough*, you'll probably recognize this as Chapter One of my other book, Elucidate. That's because I've decided to rename Elucidate to something I found more fitting. After a lot of thought about it, I did it. The first few chapters will be the same, but I'll be writing the rest soon! 

That's all. :3 Bye.

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