Chapter 2

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"Bloody hell I can't get anything right."

Emma looked around the dark forest and knew it was her own fault. Using magic when her emotions were all over the place never ended well. She decided instead of trying to magic herself home, she would take a slow walk to clear her head. The forest was ever so peaceful at night and the walk would probably do her some good. Her head was all over the place but she couldn't even imagine how Regina must be feeling. She had invaded Regina's sleep, made her get up so they could talk but never actually discussed what she was there for and then to add fuel to the fire that evil woman turned up.

Emma really wanted to text Regina to apologise but she didn't know where to begin. After a couple of minutes, Emma decided to sit down for a little bit and work out what everything meant.

She placed her head in her hands and sighed "why is everything so complicated."

When Emma thought about it the whole situation wasn't as complicated as she thought, it was so much worse. If there was a better word than complicated she would use that but right now complicated was the only word she could think of.

"If I tell Regina it wouldn't only affect me and her it would affect Henry, my family and the town. Why is this such a mess" she sighed.

"Aren't you forgetting someone dear?"

The Evil Queen stepped out from behind a tree a few meters away from Emma.

"Why have you got to be everywhere."

"Is that anyway to talk to a queen?"

"You stopped being a queen the second Regina did" Emma spat.

"I disagree. I'm as much a queen now as I was back in the enchanted forest the only difference is I'm not ruling over peasants."

"The only reason you're still a Queen now is because your using it as a facade to hide who you really are."

"Is that so DR Swan. I didn't realise you got a psychology degree whist being in prison, I suppose you needed something to take your mind off giving up your son. As you seem to know everything let's hear who I really am."

The Evil Queen walked over to the tree trunk Emma was sat on and stood right in front of her.

"You're a lonely, bitter woman who Regina no longer needs. She threw you away like rubbish and you can't handle it. You need to be able to control everything and now Regina has escaped from under your spell, there's nothing left for you. You are irrelevant."

Emma closed her eyes and was ready to be struck by a fire ball, after a couple of seconds she opened her eyes and the Evil Queen was nowhere to be seen.

"I must have hit a nerve."

Emma really didn't know what to do. She hadn't been happy with Hook for a while and she wasn't sure why, but spending more and more time with Regina it became obvious to her. It didn't come as a surprise to Emma because she was bisexual, even though nobody in the town expect Ruby knew this. Emma knew she had no chance in hell with Regina. She wasn't sure how Snow and David would take it because she was sure there wasn't any bisexual princesses back in the enchanted forest. Emma was trying her hardest to pin point the exact moment she began having feelings for Regina, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't figure it out. It's not like she wanted this to happen but they say you can't help who you fall in love with.

"Shit, I can't really love Regina can I."

When she first got to town there wasn't a second went by that her and Regina weren't fighting or arguing and if it wasn't for Henry one of them would have ended up dead. When Emma and Henry lost their memory's, Emma knew something was missing in her life but she couldn't work out what. The day Hook came to find her and she got her memory back the first face she saw was Regina's. When she arrived back to town she really wanted to go over to Regina's and tell her how she felt but with Henry not yet having his memory back she decided it wasn't a good idea. Every time she thought she was ready to tell Regina something got in the way, first it was Henry's memory, then it was the Wicked Witch, Regina started seeing Robin and that's when Emma knew she should just give up. She could see how happy Regina was with Robin and how Regina had finally got the little family she had always wanted.

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