Travleing day

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Jessie's view:I went out to the park to get some fresh air
I came home the house was dark I entered everyone then
Screamed hey girl I said um hey what's going on
Ryan said "well we all know things are going
Hard in your life so we got you this"
I saw a beautiful cake I said thx
We all ate I said ok everyone get some rest
Out plane leaves at 4 in the morning set your
Alarms for 2 in the morning everyone said ok
The. We all went to sleep

Cassies view: I'm excited cause tommrow
We're going to Topeka Kansas I went to sleep
and so did Evan that cake was delicious

Isaks view: me and taeko went to
Sleep I still can't believe Jessie's
Dad died I need to sleep

*the next day*

Jessie's view: I wake up so early it was to cold
For a shower I waked 20 mins earlier then
We're supposed to so I went and made breakfast
For everyone

Cassie's view:we all wake up to find
Breakfast ready Jessie made it
We all ate



He fell in love with a jerk not me :(Where stories live. Discover now