Chapter 2 - The Begining

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         What would you do if your best friend turned evil and tried to kill you and the whole world? I never thought that my whole life could change in one day. I looked down to see my best friend nearly dead.  She was covered in dust and dirt from the wall that James rammed her into. She looked so different, her skin was white and ice cold. Her lips were purple and speckled with blood from the fight. It smelled like dirt and dust, you couldn't see through the thick, gray, black fog that we had created. I could tell that her powers were draining from her body. I had to think fast,and help her regain some of her powers.

     This whole fiasco started on the first day of high school, when my best friend Violet and I walked into the school for the first time. It looked like an old victorian building but there was something different about this school. This school was for a special kind of people, people who have powers like superheros, villains, and mythical creatures.

       OMG! This school is so different than the other schools that we have been to Izzy." Violet said terrified. 

" I know Vi. This school is so cool, do you know what class do you have first?" I asked.

"History of our government." She replied with a smile.

"Me too!" I said in excitement.

"Maybe we can sit next to each other." She asked.

At that moment the bell rang and we rushed to class. As we were going to class, our eyes caught sight of a guy that looked familiar but we didn't know how we know him. He had brown hair that flowed gently in the wing with sparkling emerald eyes. He was wearing a baggy black hoodie with tan joggers and white converse the usual boy style. We both wanted to know what his name was, but we pushed it off and continued to class. As we walked into our History of our Government class, the teacher had written on the board. Hello class, my name is Mr. Underwood, take a seat and wait for further instructions. We did as what the board said and immediately noticed that the guy from the hallway was in the same class as us.

"You should go ask him what his name is." Violet said eagerly.

"Ok your loss not mine." I replied.

I got up out of my seat and walked over to where he was sitting.

"Hey I'm Isabella. I was just wondering, what's your name? " I asked him.

"James, I am a Nephilim, which is a hybrid of a angel and human. Why do you want to know?"

"Me and my friend over there thought that we knew you." I said.

"Oh. Since I told you what I am, will you tell me what you and your friend are." He replied.

"I'm a fairy and my friend is a pixie her name is Violet."

"Would you like to hang out sometime?"

"Sure. What about my friend over there?"

"I was thinking that it could be just me and you."

I was amazed that a guy that I just met was basically asking me on a date. I thought that I have to respond calmly and without an outburst, or else I will sound crazy. So I looked at him and said as calmly as I could, "I would love to." With that done I went back down to my seat. James turned his head and smiled at me until the teacher started talking. I looked back at him with a smile.

"Alright class welcome to your History of our Government class, and today we are going to jump right in. So our government all started with this huge war between the superheros and the villains. There was a lot of devastation, innocent lives lost, and demolition. It also destroyed the walls that separated the 3 halves. When the word spread that the wall was down, people rushed to prepare themselves to fight. The villains went after the superheroes, the superheroes went after the humans, and the humans went after the villains. The superheros and villians can't fight each other because of a treaty that the hero and villain leaders had signed at the time. The humans didn't sign it so they could hurt villians and heros, and villians and heros could hurt them.The only time you can kill a hero or a villain is if they decide to join the different half. No one joins the human half because they're not special and don't have any powers, so they don't understand anything we talk about which makes things awkward."

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