Chapter 1: Hating Mr. Speedster

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          Rose fired her guns, saving her knives for later. She stood beside Clint, leaning as close to him as possible without getting in the way of his quiver or the arrows as he fired them. The pair balanced as they stood upright on the jeep Nat had commandeered, firing at snipers, foot soldiers, and attacking machine suits that had clearly been made after Tony's Iron Legion design.

It had been six months since Rose Rogers had joined the Avengers, and so far everyone had warmed up to her a bit like she did them. She was still wary and mistrustful of them as she was everyone except her best friend, but she couldn't deny she had grown to trust them just a bit, and could even call them her friends. As for the rest of the Avengers, minus Natasha, Clint and Steve who had already done so, they had developed a soft spot for this girl, even if they didn't want to admit it.

Being around her everyday made it hard if they tried to avoid her, and considering they were always wandering around the tower, be it for training or meals, they would no doubt run into her. She still behaved very hostile towards them, excluding Steve, if they got in her way, annoyed her, if she was having a bad day, or even she was having a good day and she just wanted someone to mess with for fun. Not to mention they now also had to deal with the former Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes after Rose brought him in two months ago. Let's just say nowadays they have their hands full.

She had improved slightly with her people skills. Due to everyone's constant pushing, she had gone from being homeschooled to going to a public high school so she could "hang out with more kids her age". The school year was almost over, and she'd be graduating next year. Now she had some friends who could put up with her and were her age other than her best friend, Aaron. Sometimes she would even talk to other teenagers on her own and actually be nice to them. But those were on lucky occasions; Rose was definitely still very antisocial.

Rose wore her usual combat suit almost identical to Nat's, and wore black knee-high combat boots, her black hair streaked with multi-colored highlights tied back in a tight braid. Her black eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick made her looking every part her code name 'Black Thorn'. Aaron came up with it, Thorn being his nickname for her because of how she could be named after such a beautiful flower but be so deadly, and black because it was her favorite color.

Rose ducked as a large blue laser blast came flying at her head before she stood back up and fired her guns at the two jeeps chasing them. She took out the tires on one, causing it to crash into one of the many trees, but was forced to duck when the remaining jeep fired at them again. Nat swerved sharply, driving through the snowy forest, trying to avoid the laser fire.

"You know, if you keep driving like this, you're gonna get us killed before they even have a chance!" Rose yelled, taking out a sniper that had tried to sneak a shot from the trees. She nearly tumbled off as Natasha made another sudden swerve. "And that one you just did on purpose!"

"Too bad it didn't knock you off!" Natasha shouted back. "Now if you don't like how I drive, you can get off!"

"Ladies, there's a time and a place to fight," Clint called to them, the peacemaker between the two assassins, busy taking out more snipers hidden in trees and the occasional foot soldiers lining the forest ground.

Rose rolled her eyes, firing at an approaching suit quickly. "I swear, Clint, if it wasn't for you, the two of us would've torn each other apart by now," she said, whirling around to fire a shot at the jeep pulling up besides theirs.

The driver ducked, but Rose grinned when Thor came out of nowhere and smacked the driver out of the jeep. The god then flew off towards a sniper post, the now driverless jeep crashing into some trees, and Rose fired at a group of approaching machine soldiers.

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