Tag #3

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1. Yeah a couple. One on my right cheek that I don't where I got it from.
2. No and I don't plan to
4. If family counts then yeah but if not then I'm forever alone ;-;
5.Coke all the way
6. A bunch of people. Someone at my school how I'm not gonna name is in my math class and acts like everything I day us about her and is really mean. She gets in school suspension a lot so lol
7. A lot
8. Nope! I'm to young :p
9. An artist, vet, or singer
10. No I'm forever alone ;-;
11. Idk
12. Don't have one
13. Bout 5 feet
14. May 5
15. Dark brown
16. Dark brown to black
17. A lot of things but art is my favorite
18. Drawing. I swear someone needs to keep a pen and or pencil away from me in class cause I'll doodle on my pepper every 5 minutes
19. Hug!
20. Lani and for dome reason one of my friends call Awa
(A-w-uh) which she said means female goddess soooo idk
21. Youth, Everything Stays, and Songs by Hasely and Melanie Martinez
22. I like a couple but have nun to name :p
23. No but I got dared to ask someone on a date once and they said yes.... I broke someone's heart that day.
24.Leaving my dog in the garage one day cause she got out that day and attacked by another dog in the neighborhood and she died... I still miss her
25. Movie
26. The Magicians on Netflix
27. When I moved into the neighborhood i live in now cause before I had no friends from 0 - 5 soooo yeah
28. Singing, art, and I can touch my nose with my tongue. People say its freaky but I think it's cool!
29. A lot of people and I would never try to break it.
30. Ummmmm. Yeeeeeeah. One of them being singing to much. I lost my voice once cause of it.
31. Yup! But not love at first sight. That's just plain dumb.... Its my own opinion and if you believe in it its okay but yeah...
32. No. I'm comiting third degree murder...
IM JUST KIDDING! But no I'm not. I have a lot if screw losses. Someone help me....
Anyways I hope that helped you get to now me!
Imma tag
Now you have to do this!

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