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It was just another day at practice. All the boys were practicing like usual. Well mostly that is; Tsukishima was trying to distract himself with practice from the inner turmoil he was facing. Somehow he began to somewhat like the once most annoying, hyper, orange haired boy, but now he was almost tolerable in a sense. Though he wouldn't admit he liked the boy as more than a person.

As he got ready to block the other sides spike he caught a glimpse of Hinata on the other side of the net jumping up ready to hit the ball if it came to him. As the small boy reached into the air his shirt slid up exposing just a few inches of his firm flexed stomach. Tsukishima being distracted by this missed the ball as it flew down passed him from Hinatas spike."Huh?"  Tsukki asks himself. Realizing he let Hinata distract him he panics, face turning red, and turning away from the team.

" Tsukki you okay? I'm surprised you missed that one." Yamaguchi questions.

" I'm fine." He answers quickly.

He was not fine. How could he be? He let himself get distracted by the shrimp, and by his body at that. No no, he was not fine, " Something must be seriously wrong with me if I'm actually attracted to that annoying little shrimp." He panicked internally. Once he gathered his thoughts he turned back to the team who was now taking a break. He decided to avoid his own confusion he would avoid the source as much as possible. 

And that he did, or rather he tried. Every time Hinata leaped to hit the ball he had to look at him. If he didn't he'd probably miss the ball again.  When they'd take breaks he would watch Hinata out of the corner of his eye as he drank his water. He'd watch the water Hinata chugged leak and drip down his neck. Tsukki would close his eyes after blush crossed his face from seeing this. But unfortunately when he closed his eyes the scene would replay in his head. All of the little details he wished he didn't notice would flood his mind, and it was driving him crazy.

"Hey Tsukishima!" Hinata called to him as he tried to clear his mind.

"What?" He snapped.

" Eh? What's with that Tsukishima~? So grumpy." Hinata whined.

" What do you want? Get out with it." Tsukki demands,

"W-Well i was wondering if you could-"

"No." Tsukki cuts him off.

" Wha?! You didn't even hear what i was going to ask!" 

" I don't have to."

" Pleeaasse~ Tsukishimaaa~!" Hinata whines again.

Hinata continues like this for a few minutes before Tsukki gives in and hears him out.

" Well, i was wondering if maybe you could help me study this weekend?" Hinata finally gets out,

"Hah? Why this weekend why not during-" Tsukki tried to get in before being cut off by the smaller boy.

" I'm busy! U-Until this weekend!" He blurts out.

Tsukishima takes a moment to think. " Whys he so damn persistent? Why should i help him? I really shouldn't ... I have a hard enough time trying to practice with him, i can only imagine how bad it'd be while trying to study. But i can't really say no, knowing how annoyingly stubborn he is..."  He debated to himself.

" Ugh... Fine." He gives in.

" Really!? Yes! Thank you Tsukishima!" He says smiling bright at the taller boy.

This makes Tsukki blush against his will causing him to look away. Hinata runs off happily to continue practice. 

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