Time |2|

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Time can be relentless, making some people forget about the past while leaving others stuck in those moments. Time heals nothing unless you move along with it.

(Y/n) let out a sigh, her breath coming out in a large puff. The hot coffee she held in her hand didn't help much with her sleepiness. She continued her walk, listening to the sound of the snow crunch beneath her feet. The girl had been wondering around aimlessly for around an hour until her feet stopped at the sound of waves meeting her ears. Her gaze slowly lifted, watching the waves crash against the rocks along the shore until they rested on the bench placed before the beach. A figure was seen sitting there, arms hanging out from the back and slightly slouched. Their black hair blew in the wind, their complexion being slightly fair. (Y/n) flinched as the wind suddenly blew harder, her scarf being forcibly taken from her and landing on the person. The red scarf slightly wrapped around their own neck, most of the fabric being pressed against the wooden back of the bench. The figure took the scarf into their hand, standing up and hesitantly turning around, their brown eyes meeting with (Y/n)'s.

"Y-Yoongi?" She felt as if her voice was being drowned out by the wind, but it still reached his ears. The male tilted his head slightly as he stared at her for a moment longer, a look of disbelief evident on his face. His eyes traced over every detail of her face, searching for something: fear, anger, sadness, love? He only found nostalgia. His heart ached as he continued looking at her, memories from years ago resurfacing: most of them being his mistakes.

"(Y/n)..." He struggled to speak her name, never imagining of having the chance to say it again.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" She beamed at him. Yoongi was taken aback, seeing just how happy she was. "Three years! Where has the time gone?" She giggled. She lifted her hand up, her finger poking out from her large sleeve as it pointed back to the plaza. "I just got a coffee, but I don't mind getting another one with you!"

Yoongi remained speechless, this reaction was something he didn't expect, let alone imagine. He walked over, handing her the scarf before stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"You already had coffee, so why bother with more?"

"There's plenty of other drinks, so it's fine." She adjusted her scarf, skipping as they walked to the cafe. Yoongi mostly kept his eyes glued to the ground, but he occasionally glanced up at his old childhood friend. He noticed the recent footprints left in the snow, (Y/n) playfully walking over them, giggling whenever she missed a step.

He opened the door for her, entering afterward. (Y/n) threw away the now empty cup, bringing a finger up to her chin and staring at the menu hanging above the counter. "What are you going to get?" She glanced up at him. Yoongi paused for a moment, pointing up at one of the drinks.

"Just a cappuccino." (Y/n) nodded, stepping up to the counter as she greeted the cashier happily.

"Can I get a cappuccino, an Assam tea with milk, and a Darjeeling tea?" The cashier nodded, grabbing a few cups and writing down the drinks on the sides. "Can I also have some cakes?" She gave them an innocent look, playing with the sleeve of her oversized trench coat.

"Of course, Miss." She walked over to the glass display case, pointing at two large cakes. She hummed happily after paying, waiting for their orders at the end of the counter with Yoongi. Her arms swung back and forth lightly, her eager demeanor only increasing when she caught sight of her order arriving. Yoongi grabbed the two boxes of cake, watching her take the paper cup holder and making her way to the exit, smiling back at him and motioning for him to hurry up.

He walked alongside her, still beyond curious of her actions. And yet, he was still relieved to see her like this; to find her happy and healthy like before.

Time (Min Yoongi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now